Cosmic Diaries: 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscopes
Taurus New Moon & Solar Eclipse report
Personal Astrology and Tarot Consultations
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You’re invisible now, you got no secrets to concealHow does it feel?
— Bob Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone
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Dear Friends,
We’re past the New Moon and Solar Eclipse. So…“how does it feel?”
As I write this, the Taurus Moon is making an exact opposition to Saturn (11:56 PM EDT.) The Moon sextiles Venus in Pisces 11:53 AM EDT tomorrow (Wednesday) morning in NY and goes Void Of Course till 4:55 PM EDT when it enters Gemini.
One of the simplest ways to follow or watch astrology in action is to follow the Moon’s Void Of Course phases. During these periods, “nothing much happens.” So it’s generally best not to attempt anything “new” or important that you wish to really get traction with. These are periods are best used for continuing on with tasks — even retreating to one’s “inner space” if need be.
But there are exceptions to this rule when the Moon is moving through the signs of Taurus, Pisces, Cancer and Sagittarius when the Moon “performs somehow.”
We’re still in an extremely potent fertile climate. Even inaction is an action. Sow your seeds consciously…
Below is another excerpt from the Taurus New Moon & Solar Eclipse report covering the astrology between now and the Scorpio Full Moon on May 14, 2014 and at least 6 months if not longer beyond. You will want to hang on to this one. You can read the full report by signing up here for a free one week trial. Or by purchasing your Cosmic Diaries: 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscopes.
Taurus New Moon & Solar Eclipse, 2014
An Excerpt ==
“At the time of the Lunar Eclipse Venus is in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. Also the New Moon and Mercury are sextile Neptune. There’s something divine birthing or a dream that can now be materialized. Taurus is extremely fertile energy and the Solar Eclipse and Taurus New Moon marks a fecund new cycle of growth. The days following the New Moon are especially fertile for planting new seeds, starting new projects or anything that you want to commit to and see grow.
“This is a great time to take better care of your body, start an exercise regimen, a new diet or perhaps just start eating healthier. But ultimately the goal is to “feel” better, not “look” better. You could also take stock of your financial and material investments, perhaps start a savings plan however small, start creative projects and invest energy where it matters to you.
“This is also very sensual energy, drawing you deeper into the pleasures of the senses. You may have the opportunity to deepen physical intimacy with another. But what you want is someone you feel comfortable enough not just to bare your naked body to, but someone you feel comfortable baring and sharing your soul with. And that means learning to be comfortable with yourself body and soul.
“With Mars retrograde (soon to turn direct soon after the Scorpio Full Moon at the end of this New Moon cycle two weeks from now) this can be a time of deep healing and renewing commitments, breathing in new life, passion, intimacy in a past or existing relationship. Learn your lessons, but stay in the present so you don’t bring old baggage into a situation and what you’re trying to heal. If you meet someone new, I would wait until Mars’ direct station before you put all your eggs in one basket…” — Priya Kale, Taurus New Moon & Solar Eclipse, Apr. 29, 2014.