Opposites Attract…: Mercury in Gemini, Sun opposite Saturn, Venus opposite Mars

Cosmic Diaries: 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscopes

Taurus New Moon & Solar Eclipse report (One week Free Trial)

Personal Astrology and Tarot Consultations


Perhaps it’s the color of the sun cut flat
An’ cov’rin’ the crossroads I’m standing at
Or maybe it’s the weather or something like that
But mama, you been on my mind

— Bob Dylan, Mama, You Been On My Mind


Dear Friends,

We’re half-way in between the Taurus New Moon and Scorpio Full Moon. The Leo Moon passed its first Quarter late last night on May 6, 2014 and squares Saturn on May 7, 2014 at 6:44 AM EDT and goes Void of Course for the rest of the day, until 2:23 AM EDT on May 8, 2014, when it enters Virgo.

Also we have a big weekend and week coming up with oppositions between the Sun and Saturn, and Venus and Mars leading up to the Full Moon, so you can expect the energy to be charged and building.

I’ve recorded a short audio (at link below) for the coming week, so please do listen.

Cosmic Diaries: May 6 – 14, 2014 Sun opposite Saturn; Venus opposite Mars – Video Blog

Also one important note — I forgot to mention — Mercury changes signs from Taurus to enter its home sign Gemini at 10:56 AM EDT. Communication that might have felt slow or stuck, should pick up speed. But be honest with yourself first.

For a more detailed written interpretation of the astrology you can sign up at this link for a one week free trial to receive this month’s New & Full Moon reports and Horoscopes. I’ll be back with more soon and thank you for listening!



Mercury enters Gemini @ 10:56 AM EDT on May 7, 2014
Moon enters Virgo @ 2:23 AM EDT on May 8, 2014
Sun in Taurus opposes Saturn (Rx) in Scorpio @ 2:28 PM EDT on May 10, 2014
Venus in Aries opposes Mars (Rx) in Libra @ 5:26 AM EDT on May 11, 2014
Scorpio Full Moon @ 3:15 PM EDT on May 14, 2014

Opposites Attract: Sun opposite Saturn; Venus opposite Mars – Video Blog


Cosmic Diaries: 2014 – 2015 Annual Horoscopes

Taurus New Moon & Solar Eclipse report (One week Free Trial)

Personal Astrology and Tarot Consultations




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