We’re heading to a revolutionary, breakthrough Aquarius New Moon (square Uranus) on January 9, at 5:59 PM ET, 20+ Aquarius.
Pay attention to the area of your life/chart ruled by Aquarius — this is a powerful new beginning. As you enter this cycle, stay connected to the inner truth of your being. Life is reshuffling and rearranging itself.
Over the next two weeks —we’re being drawn out of our comfort zone, and thrust into new (perhaps alien) territory. There’s a need for deep self-acceptance. Expect reality checks, sudden shifts, and unpredictable developments sparking a powerful wave of change. You don’t have total control, but you have the power to choose where you give your attention, time, energy, and effort. Remain grounded, and detached, and avoid clinging. Then you can feel liberated rather than shocked by what’s changing.
(You can look up your chart for free here at astro.com or email me for a reading. I would love to help you make sense of it all.)
You needn’t walk on eggshells for anyone but tread lightly as you enter the new cycle. We’re setting in motion changes that will shape our life and destiny. The phrase “Insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, and expecting different results,” comes to mind. This Aquarius New Moon offers a chance to do things consciously and differently.
Aquarius rules the collective consciousness and the individual, friendships, community, technology, the future, and everything a little weird and “out there”. This energy is quirky, eccentric innovative, inventive, and revolutionary; genius and insanity are two extreme manifestations. This is also a deeply humanitarian sign. It teaches us to celebrate our uniqueness and reminds us of our common humanity.
A lot has come to light since the Leo Full Moon on Jan 25, and a lot is now up in the air. Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb 10, bringing major discoveries, insights, opportunities, choices, and an understanding of the real potential in a situation. There’s a need for discernment, perspective, wisdom, patience, faith, and humility moving ahead.
Notably, this is the first New Moon in Aquarius since Pluto entered the sign. We’re getting a direct taste of Pluto’s energy under the current skies, officially entering the ‘Pluto in Aquarius’ era. The recent Full Moon was opposite Pluto, and Mercury met Pluto on February 5. In the coming weeks, both Venus and Mars enter Aquarius, meet Pluto on Feb 14, and Feb 7 respectively, and finally meet in conjunction on February 22, 2024 (for the first time since March 2022).
Pluto is an agent of change — either you embrace change, or change is made for you. With personal planets all making conjunctions to Pluto, we’re in the process of profound transition — personally and collectively — shedding skin, and entering a new world. We can resist change and feel dragged in, kicking or screaming. Or we can make conscious choices and changes, that bring a sense of liberation and empowerment.
We’re learning how undeniably intertwined our lives are with all others. Still, we’re also seeing how imperative it is to be true to ourselves, and not feel pressured by expectations. You can never please everyone, but you need to like and live with, yourself and with the consequences of your actions and choices. This energy has a domino effect, but even inaction is an action. Whatever you do/decide — do it consciously.
Above all, Aquarius suggests a need for deep self-acceptance and deep acceptance of reality as it stands. Even the parts that are less than ideal. Only then can we feel empowered to change what’s necessary. And the coming days, offer a chance to break free of old patterns, and chains, release expectations, and truly feel free to be and express ourselves authentically.
This energy is magnetic and electric. Detachment is key to magnetizing what you need: be it support, resources, understanding, acceptance, connections, or whatever. Detachment comes from knowing everything changes.
With the Mars-Pluto conjunction on Feb 14, push is coming to shove. We’re likely to see this play out in the news, I would steer clear of mobs and crowds. But this is the kind of change, that reveals the power of the people or the power of one individual that sparks a wave of necessary change. We’re filtering out the noise, and superficial expectations, to get to an inner undying truth of our being.
Worth noting, this aspect occurs on Valentine’s Day — a day often charged with emotion surrounding relationships. An aspect like this is turning the intensity dial to 100. The energy is sexual, passionate, and edgy. There’s a need for self-awareness to channel this effectively in all interactions and personal situations — not just romantic ones. It all depends on where things are at.
There is the potential to ignite passion flames of desire, and passion, and bring about total renewal. On the other hand, if you’ve been caught in a toxic cycle, the energy empowering you to walk away from a ball and chain, or something that suffocates the life out of you. We can’t control or change others — at most, we can change ourselves thereby changing a dynamic. Even if this energy isn’t playing out in your relationship, this is a powerful personal inner transformation.
Mercury squares Uranus on Feb 16, bringing unexpected information, conversations, ideas, and breakthroughs. This aspect is continuing the narrative of the New Moon, and things could seem to get stranger before they make sense. Venus meets Pluto on Feb 17, continuing a progression of events. Powerful changes are unfolding in relationships, finances, creativity, and all matters of the heart. Consider this a process of polishing a diamond. What’s glass will shatter, but what’s real, and precious will shine.
Very significantly, Venus will conjunct Pluto at 0+ again on Dec 7, 2023, a day after Mars retrograde in Leo. We will be coming full circle with what we’re currently dealing with by then. We can’t know now what we will have learned then, by experience and time. But avoid trying to control or manipulate – nothing is worth compromising your values. It doesn’t matter what something looks like, what matters is how you feel in your heart. Be true to your values, then let go and let the chips fall. Above all, trust, you can’t lose what’s right for you.
The energy shifts as the Sun ingresses Pisces on Feb 18, casting a shimmering glow. We’re heading to a healing Virgo full Moon on February 24, illuminating what was being initiated at the New Moon.
But first— Venus meets Mars on Feb 22, marking the end and beginning of a new relationship cycle. This energy is innovative, creative, social, passionate, inspiring, and an example of what it means to be gloriously human. It’s a great day to try something new. Relationships are rebooting and this is a reset. But as exciting as this conjunction sounds — this often manifests internally, rather than eternally. Before we can connect, this is a chance to reconnect and deepen our primary relationship, with ourselves.
Be true to yourself, avoid comparisons, and people-pleasing, trying to live up to anyone’s expectations — even your own. Find a way to love and accept yourself, and your reality as it stands. Then you can feel empowered to create a new reality, and deepen or draw in the resources, relationships, connections, and whatever else you need. In relationships especially, as my Guru says, notice people’s affection rather than their imperfections.
As you can see, we’re entering an action-packed few weeks, setting off sparks, if not fireworks. Life is unpredictable right now, but God does not play dice. Astrology is a form of divination that reveals the magnificent divine order underlying the seeming chaos. Make time to self-reflect, introspect, and reconnect with that inner unchanging spirit and essence. Like the air that surrounds us and the breath that sustains us, life is happening through and for us. Aquarius is a fixed air sign — it teaches us to be a detached witness and an observer of life. Then we can awaken to a greater supreme truth, and experience liberation while in the flesh.
We are as much a part of nature as the lilies. And the Lillies do not toil.
— Priya Kale, Aquarius New Moon, Feb. 9, 2024