Kiss of Life: Transit of Mercury & Taurus Full Moon, Nov. 12, 2019

Welcome to the Taurus full moon!

(I wrote this on November 11, while the Sun and Mercury were cazimi in Scorpio)

First — a warm hello again! To all those who’ve been reading this blog for the past 12 years and those who are new to this page.

It’s been a while since I posted here…but what better time than the Mercury Rx and a Mercury transit of the sun to resurrect the Blog and website?

As I write this the moon is waxing in Taurus, moving to the Taurus Full Moon tomorrow at 8:34 AM EST opposite the Sun in Scorpio — ushering in a wave of powerful life-changing developments. More on this in a minute.

First — earlier today marks a very powerful Mercury transit of the Sun, (Sun-Mercury meet in conjunction on Nov. 11 @ 10:21 AM EST). This is a rare transit that occurs only about 13 times a century (in astrology rarity racks up points!) when Mercury crosses the surface of the sun — appearing like a little black dot eclipsing the sun’s disk.

The last time this transit occurred was in 2006 in Taurus. Look back to what was unfolding for you in 2006, especially in the area of your life ruled by Taurus. It was a defining moment in your life that has led to where you are today. (I’m a Taurus 2006 was the year I started working as an astrologer full-time.)

This time the transit occurs in Scorpio, bringing life-changing developments; the profundity of which you may only see in hindsight. But don’t underestimate them — nothing is a coincidence.

Especially now as the full moon aligns, there are deep truths coming to light and a powerful resurrection underway; showing you what’s valuable and worth preserving in a situation you thought was dead and gone.

This full moon will also be in a trine to Pluto and Saturn; Mars is in a sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius, and Venus is in Sagittarius. Life is stabilizing even as it evolves, revealing new pathways and roads, asking for faith and patience as we move through the coming weeks.

A red-letter day arrives on November 24 – when Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Sagittarius, and Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus bringing huge unpredictable developments and breakthroughs. This is a culmination of situations that began to unfold with the Scorpio New Moon on October 27, 2019.

Faith the size of a mustard seed, maybe all we need…

I’ll have more to say about all of this soon —till then, a very happy full moon to you and yours!

It’s good to be back! I’ve missed all of you and send you all my love with the moon!




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