Leading to Taurus Full Moon: Sun squares Chiron, Neptune and trines Uranus; Jupiter and Venus station direct

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Saturn in Libra Horoscopes: 2010-2012 | Relationship and Finance Forecast 2010 – Link Updated!

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Dear Friends,

We’re moving through an intense patch of astrology and aspects over the 48 hours, bringing a great shift and release in the energy, building in fullness with the Moon.

Currently the Moon is in Aries, fired up and ready to go. All of the aspects that will occur under this Aries Moon should give us the necessary boost of energy and determination to initiate changes.

With Mercury and Mars in close conjunction, conversations are heating up. Late Wednesday in NYC, Mercury sextiled Saturn in Libra, helping to solidify communication.

As the Sun squares Chiron and Neptune on Thursday, resolve suspicion and doubt internally and KEEP AWARENESS of your wounds rather than projecting them.

If something pains us, then it is also giving us a chance to heal, grow and break out of old patterning. Go to the root of an issue rather than focusing just on the surface and on the present situation at hand.

Jupiter stations direct on Nov. 18, 2010 at 11:53 AM EST for the final time in Pisces (it enters Aries on Feb. 8, 2011). Later in the day, Venus stations direct at 27+ Libra at 4:17 PM EST. Venus first entered her shadow phase and occupied this degree of the zodiac back on Sept. 5, 2010.

Libra is one of the home signs of Venus. Naturally, this transit of Venus has been deeply revealing with regard to financial, emotional and creative matters. Relationships have been in focus, asking us to go deep in awareness to release darker energy that tends to unconsciously invade our interactions.

I was speaking with my friend Elena Nicole (a metaphysical practiotioner), and she said something very wise: “Love just IS, relationships on the other hand are a volunteer program.”

It is true; love is not something that can be controlled or decided, or there would be a lot fewer broken hearts in this world. It is the force that lasts beyond this life: “and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”

Planets in Libra can tend to be or appear indecisive. Libra represents balance, and it is not indecisiveness, but the quest for the “right” choice, that is the driving force behind this energy. As long as we don’t make an elusive idea of perfection the goal, we can evolve with another.

If love “is,” then relationships are a choice, a series of choices we make in each moment, every day, to honor “the other.” More than justice, Libra is about peace and truth.

And there is no “right” choice other than what feels true to the heart. Libra mirrors Aries (the sign of “self”) and reveals a deep truth: In relationships, it is only natural that there will be times when we will be faced with an opposing perspective. That is how we grow.

Libra, although a cerebral air sign, is ruled by Venus, which represents the heart. We don’t need to compromise values (also represented by Venus as a ruler of Taurus), but we can let go of divisive beliefs to find healthy balance and compromise.

Relationships call for a balance of give and take. As Venus stations direct, we have the opportunity to make choices in love, honesty, mutual respect and cooperation.

With Venus stationing direct, we have a second chance at getting something “right.” This will come from re-addressing a crucial internal balance. At this time, the Aries Moon will be approaching in close opposition, strongly suggesting that we take responsibility for our feelings and be honest with ourselves first.

Venus and Mars made a conjunction in Scorpio on Oct. 3, 2010, days before Venus’ retrograde station on Oct. 8, 2010. Venus will be out of shadow and move into new territory for the first time since the retrograde station on Dec. 21, 2010 (the day of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Gemini).

Today, Thursday, the Sun trines Uranus in Pisces after the Venus direct station. So it can feel like a change of heart, or a turnaround, followed by a leap of faith into the unknown.

There are likely to be sudden developments that ask us to dive deep in surrender and push through inner boundaries. Uranus is still retrograde and will station direct hours after the Sagittarius New Moon a little over 2 weeks from now, putting events into motion.

This Full Moon occurs with the Sun and Moon in the last degree of the Scorpio-Taurus axis. The last degree of a sign is always the most potent and saturated point in the sign. A Full Moon is a time for full disclosure and revelation, and in Taurus and Scorpio, this is as real and intense as it gets.

There are mysterious and magical forces at work in the truest sense of the word. If ever a miraculous turnaround were possible, it would be now. Trust your intuition, be adaptable, fluid and dare to imagine the possibilities.

The Full Moon in Taurus is due to bring revelation of the solid resources at hand and the people we can count on. You can read more about it in this week’s Full Moon report by subscribing to the Cosmic Diaries Premium Service at this link.

Important Note and Site Update:

On another important note, I just learned that my landlord may not want to renew my lease.

Unless something changes in the next few days, I have two weeks to move six years of my life out of this apartment and find a temporary living situation until I leave for India for four months in January.

Given that this comes at the time of my writing the 2011 Horoscopes, it’s certainly not something I am looking forward to. I will still be here writing, doing Consultations, checking in with the astrology and bringing you updates on my end as I have them.

More importantly, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was thinking of ways that I could make my work more available to all who wish to read it while still earning a sustainable income.

Also, I have been wanting to rebuild the website for a while now which, as you may imagine, costs money. But I have an idea, which (honestly has been a dream since I started this website) with your help and God’s grace can make this a reality.

It’s been a long day, and I’ll have a note on the site sometime in the next day or so with more details regarding this so please check back in.

More soon…

With Love,



Pre-Order your 2011 Annual Horoscopes

Horoscopes will be sent by email to the email provided, early 2011 around the time of the New Moon. This is a pre-sale price and will change once Venus stations direct, nearing the release date. Order the full set of 12 signs now, to read your sign and rising sign and to share (as a great holiday gift) with family and friends!

Cosmic Diaries 2011 Annual Horoscopes – $50.00


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