Let go and let God…

Weekly Horoscopes & Moon reports by Email

Saturn in Libra Horoscopes: 2010-2012 | Relationship and Finance Forecast 2010 – Link Updated!

Personal Astrology Consultations


Dear Friends,

We’re in a powerful cycle following the New Moon in Scorpio and, in case you’ve noticed, we’re on a roll toward truly magical changes. As I write this, the Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius at 5:31 PM EST on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. It reaches its First Quarter phase on Saturday as we head toward the Full Moon next week on Nov. 21, 2010.

On Thursday, Pallas conjuncts the Great Attractor in Sagittarius. The Great Attractor’s energy astrologically can be a very polarizing influence. Its presence in the sign that most represents “God,” religion and the higher mind reveals a deep truth: God contains all polarities. And ALL religions are ultimately different paths that lead to the same destination.

Pallas (named after Pallas Athena) deals with negotiating skills, but in unawareness this can lead to “defensiveness.” This can be a really helpful influence and aspect today, allowing us to speak the “truth” in awareness without getting defensive. Choose your words wisely.

With the Sun in Scorpio situations are evolving deeply. As the Moon enters Aquarius and reaches the First Quarter, we reach a halfway point between the New Moon and Full Moon. Let go of the need to control something, and then you can create the space necessary for Spirit to do the work and for healing to happen. By the time of the Full Moon in Taurus, we can finally have an understanding of what is nebulous and what is solid and valuable.

Also, next week before the Full Moon, Venus and Jupiter station direct on Nov. 18, 2010. Venus and Jupiter are two of the most benevolent forces in the Universe, and their direct motion heralds positive news for love, finances, creativity and emotional well-being.

Currently, as both planets station to a halt before resuming direct motion, there is a feeling of things being on hold.  In spite of glimmers of hope, there may be uncertainty about whether we’re moving in the “right” direction. Situations seem to be particularly designed to test our faith and patience. And indeed they are. Given the fact that the upcoming Full Moon is in Taurus (ruled by Venus), which rules earthly abundance and sensual pleasures, this is especially significant “timing.”

Even if something seems like an impossible dream, as Niles reminded me today: “God specializes in the impossible.” This is not to say that we get everything we “want” or “desire,” but rather, we get what God’s dream is for us, which in truth is greater, wilder and more divine than anything we could imagine.

Jupiter and Uranus have been traveling in conjunction throughout most of the year. This has brought huge, unpredictable forces into our world or thrust us into a strange, surreal environment, daring us to awaken to a soul truth.

This summer, as the Grand Cross aligned, these planets entered Aries, giving us a first glimpse into the energy and changes to come early next year (Feb-March), when the planets reenter the sign.

Jupiter entered Aries on June 8, 2010 and stationed retrograde in the sign on July 23, 2010; it then reentered Pisces (retrograde) on September 8, 2010. On Nov. 18, 2010 Jupiter stations direct at the point in the zodiac that it last occupied on April 29, 2010. Look at what was occurring in your life around these dates to see the big picture.

This is Jupiter’s final pass through Pisces before it reenters Aries on January 22, 2011. Jupiter will not reenter the sign again for another 12 years, not until 2021; by then Uranus will be in Taurus, but Neptune will be in Pisces. Until then, this is the final opportunity to recognize the infinite spirit of God (or the Universe) working his miraculous healing in the area of your life represented by Pisces in your natal chart.

We don’t have to “do” anything for this healing to happen other than be open to receiving it. Jupiter is the planet that most represents “hope” and “faith.” Keep these alive; let go of expectations or attachments to a form, and let God work his magic…

With love,



On a personal note, a very Happy Birthday (for November 10th) to my favorite person in the world, Apoo! Thank you for being the best brother anyone could ever ask for. And thank you for always telling me like it is, being there, putting up with me all these years and not killing me yet! I love you.

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