Libra New Moon

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Here is an excerpt from this weeks report of over 2000 words with detailed aspects between planets and minor planets at the time of the lunation.

“Venus at this time is in a close conjunction to Huya, Bacchus, Arachne and Chariklo among others and an opposition to Asbolus in Taurus. You can read delineations for some of these planets here at Martha Lang-Wescott’s website. There is much going on in the darker recesses of the heart that we would do well not to ignore. Arachne suggests there is a deeper web of entanglements than is being revealed and the presence of Bacchus warns against trying to control or manage our feelings by avoiding situations or people that we need to be upfront with. Chariklo suggests a need for defining the boundaries between intimacy and personal space.

“There seems to be a rather complex emotional or financial situation brewing with this close cluster of planets in Scorpio along with Venus. A semi-sextile is like a tender green leaf, impressionable like an infant – that can be easily marred if it is not tended with understanding and consideration. In Scorpio there is a need for purging of all negativity, a need learn to treat people like human beings and not pawns. We are starting a new cycle within our relationships and yet it seems impossible to be able to start new given the extremely painful situation we find ourselves in. No matter what it is that you feel you need to leave behind, no peace or joy can be found, nothing new can begin unless we are able to confront and surrender our darker emotions surrounding a situation honestly.”

— Priya Kale, Libra New Moon, Sep. 29, 2008

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