Mars in Cancer squared Uranus in Aries yesterday, and opposes Pluto late overnight here in NYC on Aug. 11, 2011. It may feel like we’re in deep hot water with situations, but this how change happens.
Below is an excerpt from the August Cosmic Weather report sent out to subscribers at the beginning of the month, covering the aspects and climate through the month.
– pk
Excerpt from Cosmic Weather for August 2011 :
“Mercury will be retrograde through most of August and Mars enters Cancer and triggers the Grand Cross this month completing the transition we’ve been under since about June and in many ways this is bringing us full circle from where we were a year ago but with a better grasp on reality.
“On as Aug. 9 Mars squares Uranus in Aries and opposes Pluto in Capricorn on Aug. 11, 2011 expect situations to come to breakthrough and transformation point. This is an opportunity to let go of historical wounding buried as far back as childhood. Pluto in Capricorn speaks of getting to the root of an ancient saga. Mars in Cancer is bringing heated emotions to the surface, and as they oppose each other we are coming to a final confrontation with deep powerful emotions. Avoid power struggles, let go of obsessions and try to flow with this energy in the “present” as much as possible.
“Getting back to the pot of gold — the Sun and Venus in Leo are asking us to focus on the love and opportunities in the “now.” Change is inevitable, if we can let go of past hurt, resentment and pain we can begin to recognize the more golden reality staring us in the face. Leo rules the 5th house, and this is the energy calls for spontaneity, courage, creativity and the ability to be vulnerable enough to acknowledge one’s hearts desires.
“To understand Leo’s energy it would help to remember, the Sun continues to shine on all creation (without expectation of anything in return) even behind the darkest clouds. It is us who need patience for the storm to pass, and have faith that the Sun will come out and shine again. Understanding Astrology helps us to understand the microcosm of our inner and personal world, as reflected by the macrocosm of the sky, nature and this Universe. Just because there are obstacles to be surmounted, doesn’t mean we deny the passion we feel in our heart or lose faith.”
To read full report, subscribe at this link for a week’s free trial. You will receive the report by email within 24 hours along with this week’s horoscopes, and you can cancel at anytime within a week at no charge. Free trial limited to ONE per new subscriber. Here is a link to the report for July 2011.
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