With major aspects between planets including all personal planets and both Mercury and Saturn changing signs within 48 hours of each other it’s going to be a colorful few days to say the least. This as we lead into the sensual Taurus Full Moon on Nov. 2, 2009 bringing us a deep glimpse into that which is real and of value, in these changing times.
Mercury enters Scorpio on Wednesday Oct. 28, 2009 at 10:06 AM UT. Followed by a succession of aspects as: Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius, Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and the Scorpio Sun squares Mars in Leo, all within a span of roughly 3-4 hours late Wednesday in the US and overnight in the early hours of Thursday in UK.
With Mercury entering Scorpio for the next few weeks this is deeply psychic energy. Expect to be having deeply penetrative conversations bringing new insight. Be willing to go deeper in search of truth but keep a check on suspicious, paranoid tendencies as well as any desire to manipulate or control the truth. This may be a good time to look at the darker side of the mind and its ability to cloud the truth with fear.
As Mercury sextiles Pluto, where we are willing to purge the past there could be a gold mine waiting to be unearthed. This could spell for lucrative business deals and deeper commitments taking root if we dig deeper to find truth. With Venus trine Jupiter at this time, there is a healthy sense of optimism in the air that can help soothe the heart. This could be a hugely liberating and creative aspect as well as one that offers financial opportunities. But watch for any tendencies to over inflate an issue — be hopeful yet realistic.
As the Sun squares Mars we are turning a corner with issues that have been smoldering for a while. Mars in Leo suggests there could be resentment or anger associated with pride or a bruised ego, that needs to be checked internally. With Scorpio the message is always to surrender and let go of pain, so we can evolve to a higher state of awareness.
Be honest with yourself above all; consciously confronting ‘demons’ without letting self-pity or insecurities get in the way. Rather than try to deny passion or project any feelings or blame, take responsibility for your own desires and creative as well as sexual passion.
The root of this energy is inside rather than any external situation. Avoid projecting blame or anger and resolve any fears of rejection. If we can be authentically to our inner being, there can be an evolution to discover something truly golden.
But these aspects are really the drum-roll for the bigger shift coming up as Saturn changes signs for the first time in two years on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009. Saturn’s journey in Virgo has not always been easy asking we do what needs to be done. Now as Saturn moves into Libra we should see things begin to level out without constantly feeling like being at the mercy of someone or something. But this will mean taking responsibility for one’s own actions; this is the quest to find one’s highest truth.
As Saturn squares Pluto in Capricorn around the time of the New Moon mid-month, the rules surrounding relationships are changing in a big way; as is the way we do business. The Gay marriage issue is also likely to be in the news a lot over the coming days and big news with corporations, perhaps mergers.
Personally this is a time to own and recognizing one’s own power within a situation to create and destroy something. If we want to move forward we have to be willing to let go of the past, yet there has to be a remembrance of it’s teachings if we don’t want to repeat the lessons. If we can let go judgment and learn to forgive [ourselves first] we can build the foundations of our relationships based on the highest values of honesty, fairness, equality and trust.
We may be feeling the weight of our decisions more so than usual right now. But this is what is necessary if we are to act in consciousness of what we are creating, events we are setting in motion by our actions and intentions.
— Priya Kale, NYC
Please Note — I will be changing my Consultation rates after the Taurus Full Moon on Nov. 3, 2009. If you are a first time client or would like to avail of the current rates please email me to schedule an appointment before this time. Here is an email from a recent client…
Good Morning Priya!
Thanks so much for a wonderful reading. Your words have echoed in and around me for a few days. Your reading felt not only intuitive towards my personal situation but also to the greater issues in my life, past, present and future. The things you said were both enlightening and clarifying, they helped me understand myself and some of my patterns a lot more.
I am not sure how you do it but I feel there is much inherent wisdom, knowledge and a deep understanding in what you do. I look forward to meeting with you again in time.
Thank you so much! It was lovely to meet you and please know you are welcome where ever I may be in this world.
Amber Wallis – www.amberwallis.com