Mercury sextiles Saturn and squares Neptune

Welcome to the week…and a much calmer one at that. We are now easing off the energy of a powerful Taurus Full Moon and there is much that has yet to surface. Mars has now moved into Sagittarius which is likely bringing more optimism to situations but also increasing urgency. Today, Mercury makes a series of aspects ensuring a lot of mental activity.

With Mercury now forming sextiles to Saturn and Jupiter there is much fertile grounding for our ideas. Mercury also trines Varuna and opposes Sedna. It is important to look at where we’re deeply committed to someone or something on a spiritual level. Varuna is the punsiher of broken oaths, and a positive trine suggests we stay true to promises and let go of old wounds. The opposition to Sedna suggests we may be feeling torn about something we feel has to be surrendered. Sedna is now is a trine to Jupiter and Saturn, we need to trust that what is real and lasting will never leave our life. The decisions that need to be made now have to be in line with an accountability to a higher truth.

If we reach for our deepest instincts this is signaling a turning point, if we don’t allow fears to get in the way. As Mercury squares Neptune later today there is a god deal of confusion in the air. You know what they say about opinions… and everyone seems to have one right now. Keep a close discernment on facts; the aspect reminds me of Dylan’s Idiot Wind.

Its also extremely important to make sure you aren’t in denial of something or deceiving yourself. Squares need to be resolved internally, so before projecting or being suspicious of someone else it may be wise to ask what it is that is causing the lack of trust. Is it based in based on fact and present reality, or assumption and suspicion? Don’t take everything for truth either, it is important to go deeper if we want clarity. Don’t believe everything in the news either. We can be surprisingly good at convincing ourselves of something that just isn’t true. But the question is do we really want to confront the truth?

Venus semisquares Neptune today suggesting love and relationships are likely the source of most of this confusion. It is more important than ever that we focus on what is real and of value rather than give in to fear and escapism. As the Moon moves into Leo later today expect things to get more dramatic, things are still pretty foggy though so make sure you know what you are talking about. Seek clarity when you can and if in doubt, best to let clouds pass.

Also Mars now in Sagittarius is increasing optimism but this is also infusing a greater sense of urgency. Remember we are now reaching the end of long 15 year transit of Pluto through Sagittarius and no doubt everyone seems to just be waiting for it to be over — that includes me! After an 8th house Pluto transit though it really makes me wonder if there even is an “other side” to this whole thing. If I didn’t know any better I’d throw my hands in the air and give up.

But things are changing faster than we can imagine and as the Sun passes through its last days in Scorpio, I suggest we go into these next two weeks in a spirit of surrender.

— Priya Kale, NYC


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