It’s been quite the couple of days with the Pisces Full Moon setting the backdrop for a perfect escape, but now its back to reality.
Its conjunction to Uranus probably came with a few final surprises and today Mercury stations retrograde. We can expect more “truth” to surface over the next couple of days. From now until Sep. 29, 2009 Mercury will retrace its steps in the sky to the degree in Virgo it occupied on Aug. 17, 2009. Mercury turns direct again on Sep. 29 and we will be out of it’s echo phase on Oct. 14, 2009 when it returns to the degree of the zodiac it occupies now.
Mercury is the planet of communication. Since we are in the retrograde phase, I will issue the standard warnings about technology. This is when things “seem” to “act up” the most. Now is not the time to invest in any new equipment, it would be best to wait until Mercury has stationed direct. If it seems ‘broke,’ wait a while, it may not be. Any efforts to “fix” something could back-fire and I’ve seen things come “back to life” almost like magic at this time.
Double check all communication and be aware of all assumptions. With Mercury stationing retrograde in Libra, this is about balanced communication, where both parties feel heard. This is giving us a chance to gain clarity and re-negotiate agreements within relationships, with fairness and a spirit of co-operation. This is true for business as well as personal relationships.
Tomorrow (Monday, Sep. 8, 2009) the Sun in Virgo trines Asbolus in Taurus. THis is an earthy stabilizing aspect, suggesting something still has plenty of “life” left in it if we want to nurture it. Asbolus is the planet with “survivor” energy and in Taurus this is a measure of resilience and earthy abundance. The Sun in Virgo suggests there can healing even in a situation that has weathered many a storm, if we make it [healing] the focus.
On Sep. 10, 2009 Pluto changes direction at 0+ degrees of Capricorn, squaring the Aries Point. On Sep. 15, 2009 Saturn opposes Uranus in Pisces. Also, Saturn will square Pluto as it enters Libra at the end of October.
No doubt there are big changes on the horizon, but we are reaching a powerful transformation point. Use this phase of Mercury’s retrograde to go deeper beneath the surface of the “mind” to readdress a crucial balance where needed. Once we figure out what we want, we can begin to manifest it in our lives.
— Priya Kale, Penetanguishene, Canada
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