Weekly Horoscopes for Week beginning Sep. 12, 2009
Pluto has stationed direct. All through Friday the Moon was in Gemini aiding communication while Pluto’s direct station added the backdrop of smoldering intensity. It moves into Cancer on Saturday around 8:19PM UT moving us into a weekend of craving comfort, warmth. Find what and who makes you feel at home in this world and pour energy into that.Things are likely to get intense again as we approach the Saturn-Uranus opposition, followed by the New Moon in Virgo next week.
As Pluto stationed direct yesterday, it also made (and still is in) a square to Juno, bringing a transformational turning point within relationships. Juno in a chart represents a core ‘issue’ within relationships. But more importantly she seems to be the key to enlightenment itself which comes through the surrender of attachment to the thing we “need” most within our relationships. It is in only in surrendering this need can one find wholeness in themselves. Then we can move towards sharing this oneness rather than looking to another to fill a void.
Personally, what can I say there’s magic in the air even under the thundering skies. I don’t know if you felt the shift but I certainly did. I’ve had sunny enough days since I got here – but today I woke up feeling the ecstasy of surrender. True to grace, the moment I opened my hands to receive, the ocean washed right over me. I had encounters with three dogs on my way back from the post office. [And dog is only God spelt backwards in my experience…]
I also spoke with Niles this evening, who was out in his yard surrounded by the pear trees and deer. After I hung up I remembered deer according to Shamanism, symbolize magic and as if on cue the sky lit up on fire at dusk, sending me running out to take pictures. Tomorrow I have henna appointments all day, which is always fun for me. But then again, with Venus and Mars in Aries conjunct in my 5th house in a Grand Fire Trine, it’s near impossible for me to do something unless it’s ‘fun.’
Hope you have a fun weekend…
With Love,
Priya – ‘Black Amber Firebird’ (my Medicine name – with a story to follow for another day…)