Moon enters Libra, Venus sextiles North Node, Sun trines Saturn

In the early hours of Tuesday, the Moon enters Libra putting the spotlight on relationships. With Mercury now standing still in Gemini, pay attention to the conversations you are having. There are important truths surfacing that if paid attention to can give the understanding needed to readdress a crucial balance.

Emotionally, seek balance and harmony rather than be quick to judge a situation in black and white terms. There is more here for us than meets the eye and the next few weeks are going to be a reality check we will all be glad we went through.

Also Venus sextiles the North Node around mid-night here in NYC and on Tuesday in UK and Australia suggesting financially and emotionally we seem to be on track with destiny. Considering the US stock market was up the highest it has been in months matches the collective upturn of economy suggested by this aspect of Venus.

The Sun squares Psyche in Aquarius suggesting a need to find balance between being true to oneself, while letting go of any sense of wounding that causes fear of not being accepted for ones individuality. The Sun also makes a solid trine to Saturn [due to station direct mid-month] suggesting greater stability. With Saturn having been retrograde for the first half of the year, it has called for a deep inner test of integrity and faith — in the area of your chart occupied by Virgo.

This is like the last stretch of the marathon. If you can be patient and not give up just yet, the fruits of your labor are likely to follow — sooner rather than later.

— Priya Kale, NYC

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