Moon enters Taurus, Mercury in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces

Dear Friends and Readers,

The Moon reaches her Last Quarter today (Wednesday in NYC) bringing us half-way through this eclipse cycle before the New Moon and Solar Eclipse next week.

Rules, arrangements and agreements within relationships are fast changing and we turn a corner today. There may be a feeling of being cornered by the big guns or having to fend for oneself in the face of authority. Any situation that seems to loom large is actually an invitation for us to resolve our power within a situation rather than project it.

The Aries Moon asks that we find our personal power to effect change and work to bring it about constructively by being willing to question assumption. As we move towards the Cancer New Moon and Eclipse, remember we are ultimately moving towards finding greater emotional and financial security. So the question now is how do the relationships and situations in our life reflect that? Work with that in mind…

By around 5:30 PM Wednesday the Moon enters Taurus stabilizing the energy. Use it to ground your self given everything that has changed over the past week. With the Moon in Taurus this is definitely bringing us a reminder of the what and who is real in our life; the relationships that are loyal, solid and can be relied on.

But expect the unexpected as far as communication is concerned. The energy is rather sensual as well, opening up a flow of feeling and sensitivity tonight as Mercury trines Uranus in Pisces.

An unexpected conversation, confession or realization could awaken up a depth of feeling that we may have not known existed. Now is the time to open up your heart and let it flow if any. With the Moon in Taurus the energy is rather sensual it should be easier to get grounded and focus on what we value. As my brother said to me today — “it’s about making up your heart not mind.” Of course then comes the courage of speaking your heart, but today is the day when words should flow with just a little bit of effort.

Financial negotiations would do well now and this is also extremely creative energy — writing or communication could be a good way to channel it. An ‘out of the world’ or ethereal idea could be just the solution needed but with Mercury in Cancer the key will be to keeping free of emotional doubts and fears — receptive to intuition and the muse.

Hope you are holding up well under this weather. The ground is indeed shifting below our feet but trust the changes taking place are exactly what we need for the next phase of our journey.




In case I hadn’t mentioned — it’s Eclipse season! Please email me to schedule a Private Consultation and see how you can take advantage of the opportunities available to you to create lasting change in your life…

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