October 2009 Monthly Horoscopes



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You get a new start within your relationships this month, sowing the seeds for a longer two year cycle of restoring peace and balance. But you cannot move forward unless you’re willing to leave the past behind. This may feel like a risk; you may fear that you are jumping from the frying pan into the fire. But you are entering new territory and if you can resolve your own subconscious fears of authority, you can minimize the power struggles that come with a readjustment of rules. You are looking to express your creative and sexual passion, with the unencumbered fire you had as a child. See who or what allows you this freedom of being. Encourage mutual dialogue that is constructive and strengthens what you are building. You are turning a corner towards your future and you don’t have to do it alone.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You’ve learnt a few heartbreaking lessons lately, but this has only shown you the strength and resilience you are capable of. There are times though when you doubt your own authority to make the changes in your world. This ends up in monumental power struggles you no longer have the time or energy for. No matter what or who you fear has power over you, recognize the part of yourself that is ready to move forward from a difficult past towards a more peaceful existence. You’ve always known four walls do not make a home, what you seek is companionship and warmth you know you can nestle into, after a day of doing something you love. You are starting a new cycle that is sowing the seeds for a future you may have only dared dream of. It’s time to learn the “two step.”

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You move into new territory this month. There may be a creative or romantic partnerships you’ve been contemplating which could well take you to new heights of success and desire. Something may feel like a risk, but you’ve had to sort through the debris of your past and overcome your insecurities in the recent weeks. Essentially this has freed you to express your passion and desire in ways that may have made you blush before. Seek that which you most desire rather than wasting your time on the small talk. The pot of gold is not at the end of the rainbow. It’s buried deep in your soul, waiting for you to unleash the rainbow from within. If you take a chance, at best you could be flying high on the wings of your imagination.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You are starting over towards finding the security you’ve had as child, but this about the future rather than any past you’ve left behind. What we seek is often right under our nose and we don’t realize it. You move new territory when it comes to communicating with those closest to you. Be honest as you express your needs and desires for greater financial and emotional stability. You may fear you’ll never get this, but you are the driving force in your life. Let go of trying to control a situation and recognize instead the warmth that surrounds you. Have more faith in yourself and your ability to create the emotional and material wealth you desire. But also remember you can do this best when you are in inner harmony with your surroundings. They say home is where the heart is, where is yours?

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


ou start a new cycle of communication this month and truly you are moving into new territory when it comes to saying what you mean and meaning what you say. You’ve recently learnt a few difficult lessons when it comes to finding your own sense of integrity regarding your values surrounding love and money. You may be learning how different you are from everyone around you in this respect, but you also know now there has to be room for each persons truth. This has meant rising above your insecurities. Be bold now as you express your hearts desire and when in doubt, remember actions speak louder than words. Emotionally, creatively and financially you are on fire. You might want to play it a little cool lest you scare away the more gentle souls, in your vicinity. But then again, you have the charm that could sell ice to an eskimo right now.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You move into new territory this month after weeks of trying to redefine your core ideas and beliefs about who you are. Financially and emotionally you may have had to learn your own limits when it comes to giving and then feeling like a martyr. I suggest you proceed now with clear agreements beginning with yourself. Ask yourself who and what you value the most. You decide where your life leads from here. Why then give your energy to anything less than the finest? You get what you give so, give  to that which lights a fire deep in your soul. If you approach the future with the fairness and balance you value, you will find the source of your greatest emotional and tangible wealth is you.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You’ve been journeying through your deeper psyche and have had to overcome doubts about how you fit into the bigger picture. As you rebirth yourself in accordance with who you are today, there needs to be a confrontation of past demons. No matter how much this scares you, recognize you are no longer a powerless child. You have the voice and authority in your life to decide where you want to go from here. Look closely at your relationship with your family and be willing to let go of old power struggles. Also more importantly look at your relationship to yourself and what drives you in this world. You have support now from at least one important partner as you move forward and reclaim your life as yours.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


Go deep within your subconscious now to find the love you may fear has forsesaken you. You came here to this earth to be a leader and light the way for others with courage by your own fearless example. You may worry if you have the support you need, or will have the resources to pull this through. Your mind will doubt but your soul knows the truth. It’s time to leave the darker thoughts behind and reach into your inner being for a benevolent presence of at least one important relationship, not to mention the divine love of your creator, who wants to see you succeed. No matter what you fear, there greater love that is the wind beneath the wings of your soul, fanning the flames of your success. Be bold, as you walk the walk.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


After all the frustrating delays, things finally move forward this month within an important emotional or financial partnership. Let go of trying to control a situation and recognize your own worth and highest values. Solidify your goals now, so when Saturn enters your 11th house by the end of the month you can focus on getting your message out into the world. You’ve worked hard to build a reputation based on deep integrity and service. The word is getting out and its time to share the wealth, so elicit the co-operation you need from friends and partners. You don’t need to control anything — you can create the tangible, emotional and creative freedom you desire simply by daring to aim high. Your enthusiasm as you chase your dreams is your gift to the world.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You start a new cycle in your professional ambitions which will color your world for at least the next two years. The recent past although frustrating has cleared the way for you to get your head straight about a few practical matters that required your unbiased perspective. But the rewards of this are only just beginning to blow in. You don’t need to control anything now, just hold steady and let go of the old ideas that stand in your way. You are creating a future for yourself based on the values you want to share with the world. Let your passion for peace move you, as you make your way towards accepting your rightful role in this world.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You’ve likely had to deal with a few painful lessons in your intimate and financial dealings. But if anything this has freed you to experience the pleasure that comes with keeping a higher perspective. It’s not true to say that you are not committed when it comes to your relationships. You are just learning you are more sensitive than you realize or tend to show. This month begins a longer two year cycle when you can build the kind of relationships you dream of based on your highest values of equality, freedom, peace and harmony for all. Look closely at any fears you have surrounding your financial success or freedom, or if you can ever have the kind of love that you seek. Despite any doubts you face, it is not only possible but more than probable if you can break through your own subconscious fears.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


Events around you are taking you towards a deeper surrender than even you thought possible. A friendship or partnership is definitely moving to the next level. Although given the recent past you may wonder if this turning towards a new height of madness. I suggest you relax and no allow project your fears on to a financial or intimate situation. You are indeed moving into new territory when it comes to your relationships and this is the beginning of a longer journey unfolding over the next couple of years. Keep clear in your agreements and express your needs for greater equality within your commitments. Allow yourself to be driven by your creative and sexual passion if you want to taste the true ecstasy of surrender and success.

2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation

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