Sample Weekly Horoscopes

Sample Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of Nov. 22, 2009



It may feel like a piece of you has died lately. But something has the potential to touch you deep in your heart and reawaken your desires. Keep your sense of perspective as you reach for your highest aspirations. Move consciously in awareness of the past you want to leave behind. If you are open to advice, something you hear can fire you up with new hope.  When it comes to love, your creative or sexual passion you need to be able to express and experience this energy, rather bottle it up for fear that you will lose it. You can experience greater pleasure if you can let go of old doubts or any desire to control a situation. If the past is a teacher you know possessiveness or withholding truth is not an option. It may feel disconcerting to let go of all that is familiar but remember what you seek is freedom “to be/do,” not freedom “from…”

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Over the next few weeks, you are on a journey of reclaiming your boundless essence, self-worth, natural wisdom, values and indeed the truth of your being. But the truth is never just “black or white,” “either/or,” it is “both/and” and everything in between. This can be a polarizing influence for most. Your ideas are golden and you can stand to reap rewards, but be wise, generous and patient. Your message is one of courage and hope. If you are honest without being too opinionated, professionally you will find this opens doors rather than closes them. The spark of inspiration will come from you opening up just long enough, to feel and experience something that gets your juices flowing. If you can avoid projecting mistrust and let go of the past, something or someone has the potential to awaken you to a flood of new feelings in your heart. Sexually, creatively and emotionally this could be a divinely liberating experience.

NEW – 2010 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


A creative or financial ambition is not out of reach but you are being advised to be  guided by your deepest emotional instincts. Avoid projecting any mistrust in a situation and keep a level of honesty and transparency in all conversations surrounding love and money. A professional partnership could reach new heights of success if you can encourage a creative dialogue. There is someone you know whose truth can tend to polarize, yet there is power in their message because it come from a deep creative passion. Watch for those partnerships that want to control and limit your boundaries. Emotionally it may mean pushing past your mothers values. Love should feel free, so one can dive into the depth of desire and commitment — out of choice not necessity. The greatest creative and professional partnerships are also born out of love for that is the infinite source. One that you’ve been tapping into so diligently within yourself.

NEW – 2010 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation

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