Sample Weekly Horoscopes until Sunday, December 4, 2011 and till Eclipses in June 2012
— by Priya Kale
“…If there is something you envision for your destiny you can nurture it to being through your dedication and hard work. Focus on the big picture and trust you can get there one day at a time…”
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Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…You are far from trapped, and soon you will be liberated from a situation showing you your power in this world. Just vow to live your life loving and creating, one moment at a time and eternity can be yours…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“… The more freedom you can give another, the closer your connections will grow and you could even find an unlikely source of support where you thought you had none. Don’t be afraid of the truth, it is your friend…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…What matters is how you feel and if you are willing to let go of expectations of perfection as you reach for an ambition you have, however wild and crazy it seems to others. There is a perfectly logical way to get there…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…ou do have a choice, but if you choose in fear of what could go wrong, you risk losing out an opportunity that could make your heart very happy. Do you feel like you deserve the success our love you crave?…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…Rather than resist the changes occurring be open to discovering a deeper truth about yourself, where you come from and what you need to feel safe emotionally, financially and within your deepest commitments…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…The more you can admit you don’t have all the answers you will be open to learning the truth about a situation that has thus far eluded you, bringing you closer to the security you yearn for…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…If what you value most is your freedom, withholding information won’t help. Remember only the truth can set you free. What and whom do you value the most? And what would you give to change something?…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…You were born under the sign of the creator and events unfolding are revealing your potential to create your future as you envision it. You have one life, it doesn’t matter so much what you do but if you enjoyed yourself while doing it…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…have faith in the unseen workings of the Universe as you go inward to find comfort in your solitude. You are growing, maturing and changing profoundly and the more you let go of the past you can be free to live your greatest potential…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…A New Moon & Solar Eclipse in your 11th house is granting you a chance to make a wish and have it come true so be careful what you wish for. If you can muster up the courage to ask you can certainly have what you need, and perhaps even what you want…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes
“…Have faith in your brightest vision and more importantly yourself. You have more power than you realize to touch lives and make a difference in this world…”
READ FULL HOROSCOPE – Subscribe for a ONE week free trial.
Personal Astrology Consultations | Saturn in Libra |Pre-Order SALE – 2012 Annual Horoscopes