Sample Weekly Horoscopes till Monday, Nov. 1, 2010

Sample Weekly Horoscopes till Monday, Nov. 1, 2010 by Priya Kale



“…Take a leap of faith, and act in your best judgment; you are sure to benefit both emotionally and materially…

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“…Your strength is your ability to have faith in the face of the unknown and to change with it while staying true to your core essence…”

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“…Any changes or improvements that you make to your health regimen, lifestyle or the way you spend your time can improve your productivity and well-being almost like magic…”

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“…You’ve learned important lessons about the foundations you want to build your life on; truth is one of them. Let go of the past, go with the flow, and surrender to the treasures in the present...

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“…you can restore important relationships if you let that pain be water under the bridge and embrace the deeper love that’s staring you in the face...”

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“…Rather than be resistant or suspicious, be willing to open up to the people you trust and to welcome someone else’s perspective. Then trust your own inner sense of fairness and judgment…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Purchase or Subscribe to Weekly Horoscopes by Email |Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You have more power than you realize, and this means learning when to let go a little and to have more confidence in yourself…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Purchase or Subscribe to Weekly Horoscopes by Email |Personal Astrology Consultations



You’ve been undercover lately and may not be sure whom you can trust. Something or someone is deep under your skin. But as the Sun enters your sign and you come out of the shadows, if you confront the ghosts, then you will find that they disappear into the mist. Have more faith and confidence in yourself and what you have to offer. You are wiser today than you were even yesterday, and all that experience means nothing if you aren’t able to share the love in your being. Make your decisions based in your deepest wisdom and judgment. Push through the rubble of doubt and darker perceptions that you’ve come a long way toward conquering. If you open up, you stand to gain as much as you have to share, which is a whole lot. You’re sexy, mysterious, intense, deeply alluring to many, and more worldly than you realize. But what is it that you really value in your relationships? And what attracts you to another? Be honest with yourself. Regardless of what you fear, there is a sweeter truth staring you in the face that you can’t deny any longer. You are evolving in your understanding of what a relationship and situation means and how you can profit from this — materially, emotionally and spiritually. You want relationship/s with people who see through your darkness and physical beauty all the way to the depths of your soul — and who love you for it. Seek depth and you shall receive transcendence. Shine your light and let yourself be touched by magic.

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“…Your intuition is quite literally on the money, so don’t doubt yourself. For now, trust how you feel about something, even if you can’t explain how you know what you know…”

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“…You can certainly be in store for a few passionate, endless, eternal moments where you stay up all night talking, working on a creative project, or heating up the sheets, where it feels like only a moment has gone by...”

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“…You may seem eccentric at times, but there is a deep caring behind all your actions and intentions. Stay true to this and let wisdom guide the way…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Full length Weekly Horoscopes| Personal Astrology Consultations



“… There is an easier way forward if you are willing to surrender to the powers that be while recognizing your own power to create your world

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Purchase or Subscribe to Weekly Horoscopes by Email |Personal Astrology Consultations

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