Scorpio New Moon: An Unfurling Mystery…

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Scorpio New Moon report

(This report is part of the Cosmic Diaries Premium Service which includes four Weekly Horoscopes a month and two bonus Moon reports. You can sign up for a week’s free trial at the link above, or make a one time purchase.)

An Excerpt ==

“This is a chance to reclaim one’s primal power – sexually, financially and creatively. Then one can respond to situations and partners in awareness of one’s own power and what you have to offer.

“Also Vesta is conjunct this New Moon a potent regenerative force (on a physical, emotional, spiritual and creatively level) and her sextile Juno in Virgo can be deeply healing within relationships. But here the message is first to tend to one’s core flame within.

“Address consciously any history of abuse, mental, physical, emotional, psychological or sexual abuse or history with addictions to find healing within. The body heals faster than the invisible wounds we subconsciously carry.

“Scorpio’s mystery is deep and revealing. It rules life, death, re-birth and our attachments to this physical world. We all know that life, birth and death are things we just cannot control. Yet somehow we think we can control what happens in between the two.

“Yes we have free will and the ability to control our choices. But we cannot control the external and the Universe or God’s will surpasses all, as we see at the time of Eclipses. And the more we surrender to a higher will, the more effortless, life becomes.

“According to the Kabbalah, all that exists within “Creation” is the “Creator” and the “Creature.” So from the point of view as the “creature,” (us human beings), everything outside of the self is the “creator.”

“We can’t change the past, but the past is dead anyway. This is a time of resurrection and re-birth. If we treat everything we encounter and approach each moment from here on, as if in deep communion with God, in deep intimacy, as if making love to existence then every moment is laden with the potential for transcendence. Then one can reach the physical states of orgasmic bliss while still in the flesh.

“The Taurus Full Moon will bring us the fruits of the seeds we are sowing now. Sow wisely. Flow with the energy, rather than try to control someone or something. If intuition is all you have to rely on – trust it. Right and wrong are a matter of perspective, even so called “mistakes” are part of the divine design that led us up to the present moment.

“It is the “intention” behind the action that matters more than the action itself. Seed the moment with your highest hope and intentions. We’re indeed standing at a gateway to the unknown, but “have a little faith there’s magic in the night…” — Priya Kale, an excerpt from the Scorpio New Moon report, Nov. 6, 2010.

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