Soul searching… | Moon in Taurus sextiles Jupiter in Pisces

Hello All,

The recent New Moon in Pisces has done it’s share of clearing space. Now with the Sun in it’s final day of Pisces, it’s time for deep soul searching.

Today the Moon continues to move through Taurus and sextiles Jupiter in Pisces late in the day (in the US) opening up a rich fertile space — lush, comforting, and sensual as much as it is creative.

With Jupiter there’s always the possibility of going ‘overboard.’ Indulge by all means, but keep it real.

Tomorrow, Saturday Mar. 20, 2010 marks the equinox as the Sun ingresses Aries; also Mercury squares Pluto.

I’ll be back with a longer blog covering this and more astrology for the weekend a little later Friday, so please check back in. As the Beatles sang, “Here comes the Sun…”

Bye for now…

Priya Kale, NYC


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