New – 2010 Annual Horoscopes | March Monthly Horoscopes
Weekly Horoscopes | Personal Astrology Consultations
Hello and Welcome to the Equinox!
Today, Mar. 20, 2010 marks the March Equinox (or Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere,) when earth’s axis is neither tilted away from, nor towards the Sun; bringing us equal days and nights. Astrologically this is marked by the Sun’s ingress into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.
It’s been a long, winter (or summer) — as hot as it was cold, metaphorically and literally. But the Equinox marks a time of natural balancing of energies without and within, above and below.
Very simply put, astrologers look at astronomical data to intuitively and creatively, interpret planetary energies. Astrology is a study of the “Here and Now.” When we look at a astrological chart, we are looking at the convergence of the “whole” at a moment, in time and space. With respect to a Natal Chart, it is a convergence of this divine whole that came to life in dynamic “human” form at that moment of “birth.” This moment “lives” on through our being and life. When we stop trying to “become” we can “be.” This is the Sun in Aries at best — life’s longing for itself.
On Saturday, Mercury squares Pluto, bringing a deeper recognition of an internal struggle or a feeling of powerlessness; own it and you can move past it. At what cost can one remain unheard? Recognize the power of your own voice, rather than engage in destructive, futile battles or word games that serve no purpose. Avoid any desire to control or manipulate a situation. At what cost do we cling to a past idea of how things “should” be? If what one seeks is new way forward, we have to learn to put down the armor and make the effort to engage in constructive conversation. Evolve your understanding of the past, so you can release it to see the possibilities in the present.
Also on Saturday, significantly Venus in Aries squares the North Node, suggesting a turning point within financial and relationship situations. With other aspects taking place at this time, don’t underestimate the surging passion that could move mountains with faith. Late Saturday, Sunday [around midnight UT] the Moon enters Gemini, as the Sun moves towards a trine to Mars (direct in Leo,) this is the resurrection of spontaneous creative, sexual passion and zest for life at its finest.
There are still a few hurdles to move past as the Sun opposes Saturn on Monday; but as Mars sextiles Saturn on Tuesday, no matter what seems like an obstacle we can navigate this energy by seeing the new and choosing constructive, creative action. We are reaching personal milestones and are due to make important shifts that will carry us for a while to come. It will require dedication and commitment but the rewards are sure to follow. Choose where you want to invest your energy.
The Sun’s aspects to the Saturn-Pluto square are triggering the major T-Square in effect later this year as Jupiter and Uranus both ingress Aries at the end of May, early June. Consider this week a “small” precursor of what’s to come. Mid-year as Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries, this is due to bring a personal revolution, as much as it is a global one. We are awakening to our individual gifts, but will mean making the difficult choices now and taking responsibility for our actions.
Right now as much as there is a drive and will to live to the fullest extent of one’s passion, there is a likely a sense or feeling of life being precariously balanced — this is the energy of the Equinox. How do we act not only according to our selfish needs and desires, but in accordance with the life that moves within? One need not feel at war with the world.
Aries is the sign of the individual spirit, but it is also a reminder that we are children of the Universe. The source of ‘Martian’ fearlessness; the ability to live one’s purpose to the fullest extent can only come from childlike curiosity, trust and innocence to explore one’s environment. Focus on what you are creating now and trust the future will take care of itself.
Love and Passion,
Priya Kale, NYC
Email me to schedule a Personal Astrology Consultation and make the most of the powerful changes unfolding in your life. Sessions are scheduled over phone, Skype or in person if you happen to be in NYC.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you!
Pisces New Moon report, An Excerpt ==
“To understand the lunation cycle, we need to understand that the Moon and Sun [as do the other planets] represent the energy operating through different elements of our being: the Sun represents the primary consciousness and life force, while the Moon the inner psyche and emotional nature.
“Each month as the Moon cycles around the zodiac it conjuncts the other planets in the sky — she is like a sponge, collecting and integrating the ‘different’ energy into our Psyche. By the time of the New Moon we come full circle with this energy integrated in our primary consciousness. When the Sun and Moon are aligned we are “one” with ourselves; allowing us to make new starts in the direction of our future. In turn, setting us on a two week cycle towards growth and manifestation as we head to the Full Moon.” — Priya Kale, Pisces New Moon report, Mar. 15, 2010.