The Cosmic Play: Shiva-Shakti | Pisces Full Moon, Venus-Mars conjunction in Leo, Sun-Neptune opposition, Saturn in Scorpio

Cosmic Diaries: 2015 – 2016 and beyond Horoscopes…

Astrology and Tarot Consultations with Priya

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“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.” — Richard Bach

Beloved Friends,

We’re past the Pisces Full Moon which took place on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015 at 2:35 PM EDT.

Shiva-ShaktiAt the time of the lunation the Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon, made conjunctions to the Jupiter in Virgo —Neptune in Pisces opposition and there are huge revelations spilling over.

The energy is buzzing, relationships are heating up, hearts and egos being bruised, and people are feeling more than a little raw and sensitive right now. It could all be more than a little overwhelming, but this is a chance for deep release.

What’s falling away are illusions, to reveal a more sublime, divine reality. With the Sun in Virgo, there is nothing you can’t heal, but first you have to acknowledge what isn’t working.

Aas Venus and Mars approach in a conjunction tonight late Aug. 31, early Sept. 1, 2015 this is the cosmic lovers embracing, the cosmic play of Shiva-Shakti.

Leo is the sign that rules the “eternal now,” the present. But with Venus retrograde, right now there may be a feeling of the past catching up with the present; being naked, vulnerable, exposed, raw and hot to touch. There’s a sense of relationships feeling like two ships passing in the night, or star-crossed lovers. But Venus and Mars meet again on Nov. 3, 2015 in Virgo, suggesting a continuation of a story that’s playing out.

Situations and relationships in your life are likely triggering deep emotions from the past. All that glitters may not be gold, but you avoid projection. This is a chance to release your emotions, get closure on the past and become aware of the wounds that still need healing; so you can avoid projecting past fears, desires and patterns, and see current relationships and situations with clarity.

Try to return to the steady warm space in your heart. The Universe is asking us push through illusions, attachments to desires, past wounds and fears of rejection, the way something plays out and the ego, to discover what’s truly golden, beyond time and space, in the eternal now — love. The kind of love that needs no validation, reciprocation, but is your very being itself; and the source of all creation.

This is hot, fiery, passionate, sexual, fertile and very creative energy; it calls for spontaneity, taking risks, keeping your heart open, loving, living and creating for the sheer joy of it, regardless of what you receive in return. As my friend and astrologer Michelle Gould said to me the other day — “If we aren’t keeping our hearts open, and being loving to one another, what are we doing here?”

Don’t dream it’s over just yet, Venus stations direct on Sept. 6, 2015, bringing dramatic developments  in relationships and financial situations, and the area of your life ruled by Leo in your chart. The retrograde station and phase, might have felt a little like a fall from grace. But trust this was a necessary process of learning the inner workings of your own heart, to rediscover your inner beauty and confidence.

As she re-traces her steps for the third time, we will be returning to situations we’ve been dealing with since the end of July — with renewed understanding of our desires, offering the ability to (re-) create our reality consciously. Something that’s gone too far in the wrong direction can start to move forward again, as a result of all we’ve learned in the past few weeks.

Also, Mercury entered shadow early AM in New York on Aug. 29, 2015  and stations retrograde on Sept. 17, the day Saturn leaves Scorpio to enter Sagittarius. Mercury then stations direct on Oct. 9, 2015 the same day as Venus clears her shadow phase and moves into new territory for the first time since mid-July.

Watching this cosmic relay of the planets, leaves me in awe unfailingly every single time.

With Mercury in shadow, pay attention to the conversations you’ve been having over the past few days and through the retrograde station, especially what surfaced around Aug. 29, 2015. Avoid taking an all or nothing stance, or letting your perceptions stand, in the way of learning the truth. This will also call for flexibility and a willingness to compromise and seek balance with others in our lives.

We will be re-visiting these as Mercury moves retrograde — bringing a deeper understanding of situations, and a chance to re-evaluate important choices as we move through the coming weeks. Speak as well as listen, and you can find middle ground. Everything is negotiable right now.

Also these are the last few weeks of Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn has been transiting in Scorpio since October 2012, bringing darker realities and lessons to the surface. It has, like a sickle, cut away from our lives all that is dead, gone and served it’s purpose.

Saturn stationed direct in Scorpio for the final time on Aug. 2, 2015 just after the Aquarius Full Moon and Guru Pornima. Look back to what was unfolding then. There was something resurrecting from the burning embers and ashes of the past. There are big, changes afoot and there’s no turning back now.

Saturn will not return to Scorpio for the next thirty years — and this is your last chance to learn and embody the lessons of Saturn in Scorpio. Accept your limitations and you can move beyond them. Humble yourself and you will be elevated.

As Saturn prepares to change signs, we’re standing on a major threshold, as we take a bold step into the journey of a life-time. Every journey begins with a single step and the journey is the destination.

I’ll be back with more soon — but if you want to stay up to date with the daily happenings, you can sign up to the Cosmic Diaries subscriber service to receive the detailed monthly report with interpretations of all major aspects. Your subscription also includes Monthly Horoscopes, discounts on Consultations and special reports.

For now as you move forward from this Full Moon, remember Full Moons mark a phase of completion and closure. But every ending is a new beginning and we’re moving towards the Virgo New Moon two weeks from now, which is also an Eclipse, which means we’re officially in Eclipse season. Time tends to accelerate at the time of Eclipses, bringing “fated events” aligning us with our destiny. This is also the first of the series of Virgo-Pisces Eclipses, marking a longer process of transformation over the  next 18 months. What’s falling away is the Maya. Something had to fall apart, so it can come back together in a way that there is healing and growth.

As overwhelming or even complicated as something might seem right now, with a million ways that something could play out, don’t be in a rush to fill the void. The climate is truly magical and fertile and I wouldn’t rule out a small miracle. You’re gaining clarity on what’s most important to you in your heart.

Don’t analyze the magic, just acknowledge your desires and clarify a dream. With the Sun in Virgo, do the work; focus on healing and clearing space over the next two weeks. Then by the time of the Virgo New Moon, you can plant new seeds and nurture a dream to life…


I am available for Personal Astrology & Tarot Consultations via Skype or phone. Please visit my Consultation page and email me at to schedule an appointment. Thank you and I look forward to working with you!

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