New – 2010 Annual Horoscopes | Free 2009 Horoscopes
March Monthly Horoscopes |Sample Weekly Horoscopes for Week of Mar. 7, 2010
Dear Friends and Readers
Mars is now direct at the point of the zodiac it occupied mid-October last year. The recent past has brought to the surface suppressed anger, wounds as well as a deep awareness of the self. We’ve seen how the ‘ego’ can stand in the way of expressing oneself to the totality of one’s being, creative and sexual passion — fearlessly.
With Mars now direct, channel this energy with conscious creative action in the direction of your desires. From now until May 17, 2010 Mars continues to retrace it’s steps in to the point it occupied on Dec. 20, 2009 [when it stationed retrograde] allowing us to revisit this territory with greater confidence, courage.
If we look at Leo the sign ruled by the Sun — this is the energy that sustains life here on this planet. Although the Sun itself never “changes,” here on earth we experience sunny days, winter days, cloudy days and rainy days depending on the weather. To access Leo or the Sun’s energy in our natal chart, this is the understanding that needs to happen — one can ONLY be one’s “self.”
We cannot control the “experience” other people will have of our presence. All we can do is be true to ourselves and compassionate towards others on any given day recognizing the energy we put out ‘creates’ our Universe or our experience of it. Be playful and spontaneous with this energy, throw your heart into your passion and watch it bloom.
With Venus squaring Pluto tomorrow, (I’ve covered this transit and the astrology for the week in the blog below in detail, please read that if you haven’t) and Mars direct, the aspects are unleashing wild passion. It seems a calculated risk could pay off in a big way emotionally as well as materially. Just avoid power struggles and consciously let go of past rules and conditioning.
At the exact time of the square, the Aquarius Moon sextiles Venus in Aries and opposes a recently direct [and fired up] Mars in Leo. With the Moon opposite a recently direct [and fired up] Mars in Leo — there can be honest conversations about one’s needs within personal and financial relationships and situations; a little detachment might work wonders for a situation.
If handled consciously squares are internal aspects that can then manifest in changes externally, allowing one to be the center of the changes and the force of change — rather than feeling like a victim of circumstance.
Current aspects suggest we can create constructive change, by being willing to let go of the way the past haunts us. Be honest with yourself above all about your own needs so it will be easier to express them and negotiate healthy boundaries. Don’t be afraid to stand in your own light; self-acceptance is key.
I’ll be back on the blog probably around Friday or Saturday with Weekly Horoscopes and quick updates as we head into the dark of the Moon in Pisces over the weekend. The Pisces New Moon occurs on Mar. 15, 2010. With Mercury in exact conjunction [to the minute] with Uranus at this time in tight conjunction [a degree apart] to the New Moon — watch this space.
I am available for Astrology Consultations in the meantime, so please email me to schedule a Consultation and take advantage of this powerful astrology. Also the Premium Astrology sessions can be used for learning the Basics of Astrology and reading your Natal Chart.
With love,
Priya Kale, NYC