Moving to the Scorpio New Moon, Venus-Saturn conjunction |ISAR Interview with Matt Savinar

Jupiter in Libra Consultation – 45 min – $108.00

Personal Astrology Consultations

Dear Friends,

What a week and Full Moon! I returned from the ISAR conference in California, and just about settling down and back to life after a hectic couple of weeks on the road. But wanted to do a quick check in with you and the skies —

We’re past the Aries Full Moon, in conjunction to Uranus; and the Mars-Pluto conjunction, bringing unpredictable developments, taking us beyond a point of no return.  This has been a process of learning to trust, surrender and to be aware of one’s power in a situation. Only then can there be constructive change rather than feeling like you’re diving into the wreckage.

No one and nothing can have power over you, unless you give them that power. This is an important lesson to learn and remember as you move through Scorpio season. The Sun is in Scorpio now, and we’re entering the Dark of the Moon phase, moving to the Scorpio New Moon on Oct. 30, 2016 — which also marks Diwali — the ‘festival of lights.”

This is very primal, sexual and fertile energy. With Venus making a host of major aspects in the week leading up to the New Moon, relationships, creative, financial situations, and matters of the heart are highlighted; and there’s a suggestion of something rather profound and sweet, taking seed and blossoming deep in the shadows.

But still, just before the New Moon, on Oct. 29, 2016, Venus makes a conjunction to Saturn. Whatever 14803332_10153804457105706_2132798770_oyou’re attempting now is not easy to say the least. There might be difficult and harsh realities to face up to; bringing you to the end of the road with certain situations asking you to let go of that which is dying, before there can be renewal.

If you find yourself running into a wall — this is your chance to rise to the occasion, and get some perspective. There is a way forward; and the more you take responsibility for a situation you can find your authority, power and freedom within it.

I’ll have more to say about the skies and the Conference soon — but in the meanwhile, here is an Interview I did at ISAR, with Matt Savinar of Hexagon Astrology magazine. Hopefully there will be more to come, so stay tuned…

With love and blessings for a very prosperous Diwali season,


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