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Saturn in Libra Horoscopes: 2010-2012 | Relationship and Finance Forecast 2010 – Link Updated!
Personal Astrology Consultations
Welcome to the weekend,
The Moon is making its way through Aquarius and will remain in the sign until late Sunday night in NYC.
On Saturday at 9:05 PM EDT (overnight and early Sunday in UK and Australia), we have a Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra that simultaneously forms a trine with a triple conjunction of the Moon, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius.
Beginning a year ago, relationships have been undergoing deep transformations that are now finally beginning to settle.
No matter what you’ve been through, there is a chance now to have honest conversations that restore balance and that bring deeper understanding and an opportunity to see both sides of a story.
In truth, what separates us from another or from each other is merely our perspective — the illusory veil of the mind that seeks to define and divide. With the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra, we can find a balance of these perspectives.
Be aware of your own wounds that prevent you from connecting on a deeper level, leading to a sense of isolation. The Moon in conjunction to Neptune and Chiron is offering an opportunity to dissolve the ego and connect on a deeper emotional, psychic and soul level. Going beyond perception to discover reality and truth.
Find self-acceptance first and then extend that to others, allowing space for each person to own his or her truth without judgment. Strive for empathy rather than justice.
It could get poetic, dreamy, creative, financially lucrative and romantic, as well. With Venus still retrograde, there are strong undercurrents of desire and a suggestion of greater depth than meets the eye. Be in no denial of and acknowledge your feelings; don’t worry about what someone else is thinking. Be true to yourself above all, and you can find a way to ‘commune’icate what is necessary.
As Michael Lutin recently observed (and I agree), the key to relationships under this astrology is learning to accept the person you are attracted to.
As the Sun and Mercury trine Neptune and Chiron over the next few days, an ideal solution to something that has been a difficult choice is likely to present itself.
With a little conscious effort, we can make great strides toward harmony, healing, freedom, independence, interdependence and mutually satisfying connections.
Enjoy your weekend… I’ll be working with Laura tomorrow on the site, so stay tuned for updates in the coming days.
Peace and Love,