Weekend Astrology : Sun square Chiron | Jupiter opposite Saturn | Venus opposite Pluto

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Dear Friends,

We are in the run up to some of the most awe-inspiring astrology in our lifetime and stand in a powerful time for change. This is pretty evident if we watch the news and sadly it takes disaster to wake us up to the reality of situations begging for change.

The oil spill alone here in the US is enough cause for concern and repercussions of this are more than likely to ripple and affect each one of us in one way or the other.

And we haven’t even seen it all yet. More will be revealed about the extent of the damage, by the Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn on June 26, 2010, which will be exactly conjunct Pluto. Expect serious changes in the laws surrounding businesses and their liability to the environment.

For how long can individuals pay the price in more ways than one for the failure of government and corporations? With Jupiter and Uranus in Aries at this time, the power of the people will be more apparent than ever.

Now as we head into the weekend, the Sun has ingressed Gemini after it’s month long stay in Taurus. The energy is quickening although Mercury is still in shadow till the time of the Full Moon. There are many major aspects culminating over the weekend including Jupiter’s opposition to Saturn and Venus’ opposition to Pluto.

Late Friday in the US and on Saturday just after midnight in the UK, Neptune opposes Vesta and the Sun squares Chiron, followed by Mars’ trine to Eris a few hours later.

Get out of your head and into your soul if you seek answers and healing. As long as we are analyzing and projecting we aren’t listening. If we listen, there can be a deeper understanding of a complex situation. Look at what drains your energy, as opposed to nourishes the heart, replenishes the soul with sacred fire.

As I write this on Friday morning, the Moon is in Virgo; and enters Libra 2:49 AM UT on Sunday, followed shortly by another huge rare aspect as Jupiter in Pisces exacts an opposition to Saturn in Virgo.

Jonathan Cainer observed on his site, the belt surrounding Jupiter’s spot seems to have disappeared and the timing seems to be uncanny given its opposition to Saturn this weekend. We may become increasingly aware of the weight and gravity of a situation at this time. Jupiter’s influence can tend to magnify the already stern presence of Saturn.

With the Sun in Gemini, it may be easy to see a situation in black and white. But rather than give in to despair, remember Jupiter’s presence is a benevolent one. It offers more hope and inspiration from a difficult situation than anything we fear, so be optimistic, inspired and have faith above all.

Early Saturday, Venus opposes Ceres and is moving towards an opposition to Pluto exact late Sunday in the US. We can expect the intensity to swell like the tide, surrounding emotional and financial situations.

The financial and emotional security we seek is not out of reach, but we have to be receptive and let go of past conditioning that tells us what this is supposed to look like. What we seek is a deeper fulfillment, rather than any outward appearance of security and propriety.

There is greater depth here if can be fluid and honest about what needs to change. Be gentle, compassionate with yourself and others. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is asking us to evolve from rigid structures that keep us imprisoned in and haunted by the memories of the past, or of failure.

If what you seek is love, prosperity and emotional security look at the ways your need to control a situation actually stands in the way of your desires and prevents the flow of what you need.

There may be a feeling of moving past a point of no return and we are. But only in trust and surrender can there be release and a smoother transition towards calmer, safer seas.

I will be back with the Weekly Horoscopes on the weekend as well as details on the improvements in progress to the Subscriber service.

We have a busy few days coming up and next week we head to a spectacular Full Moon in Sagittarius followed by Uranus’ ingress into Aries, showing us the divine fire of creation. For now, remember what is precious and make choices in love not fear…

Have a fabulous weekend…

With Love,

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