Weekly Horoscopes…

Dear Friends and Readers,

The Moon is now in Aquarius past its conjunction to Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter; and Mercury changes signs to Gemini today. We can expect a light day ahead with the air sign energy giving us a chance to catch our breath with all the activity of the recent days.

I’ve just uploaded the Weekly Horoscopes to the site – Here are the Air sign horoscopes for this week!

Enjoy your weekend!



Sample Weekly Horoscopes for Week beginning Jun. 13, 2009


You’ve been traveling slower than your usual pace, taking a tour of your inner landscape. But you enter new territory this week, which opens your eyes to the wide-open road ahead of you and an important partnership may hold the ticket. A great hope, long held ambition or destination is now beckoning you to its shores. Aim high and be driven by something that lifts your spirits and fills you with hope for the future. As you come into yourself and get ready to heed the call of destiny, an important relationship may hold the ticket. You won’t really have to do much — just put one foot ahead of the other and keep on walking through insecurities and doubts that keep you from breaking free of the illusory boundaries of your unmistakable genius.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You are hot on the trails of something, drawing you ever further into the depths of your soul. This could be a deeply intimate relationship or a financial partnership, but the very real and present question here is on your deepest values. You are in a position now to find an equal and firm footing within a partnership which balances out any control issues within a situation. This world is big enough for both of you and has more than enough tangible abundance to satiate both your emotional, material and even sexual needs. What is important now is that you keep your highest perspective and take the recent past as a learning experience. An important truth about your heart can now heal and free you to move forward towards your real future beckoning not so far beyond the horizon.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation


You reach a turning point within a creative or sexual partnership that is asking that you come to a balance within yourself first of a tendency to see a situation or person in black and white terms. If you do you will be less likely to project this on another. The time is coming when you get to have an honest conversation about what you want in the future. Be willing to speak from the heart even if it feels a little scary and offer another the same space of freedom to speak their mind without being judged. There is a truth emerging as a result of your own self-awareness that can bridge any gap of misunderstanding you’ve had in the past. It has the potential to bring you more of the tangible and emotional security and creative and sexual freedom you’ve so often prayed for.

Click here for your in-depth written 2009 Horoscope | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation

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