Weekly Horoscopes till Oct. 4, 2010

Dear Friends,

It’s been a quite a weekend, and I have to admit this Full Moon has me a little burned out from writing. And it’s only Monday!

Here are this week’s horoscopes. These are usually a part of the Subscriber Service which entirely supports this site. And I’ve been thinking of how I can make these more affordable and, more importantly, available to anyone who wants to read them.

When I began doing astrology “professionally” four years ago, I had one prayer to God – “Please let this work reach as many people that can be helped by it.” Since then, its been a rewarding challenge trying to make a living while living my passion.

But now, with Saturn in my 6th house – and a Full Moon in my 12th – I am being reminded of the greater reason of why I do what I do. So hopefully over the coming weeks I can come up with a solution that brings more balance – of my ability to offer it to all who wish to read it while living well, doing the work I love. But in the meanwhile, I do need your support. So if you like what you read on the site and can afford a subscription- please sign up or try one of the special reports. I also appreciate any donations you can make (using the button on your left).

I will be back in a day or so, in the meanwhile, I’ll be available for Consultations, so please email me to schedule a session.

Also, a long overdue but VERY important THANK YOU to Andrea Adolph, who has been helping me proof and edit the blog and horoscopes for the past few months. I could not do it without her (as you may have noticed :)) Andrea worked with me editing blogs and horoscopes from my days at Planet Waves, and it’s been a relief to have someone. So thanks, Andrea.

Astrologically — It’s due to be a heavy week, with a Sun-Saturn conjunction on Thursday in the US. But with a Venus-Mars conjunction on the weekend, do the heavy work now, so you can enjoy the fireworks later.

Take care… with Love,



Free Sample Weekly Horoscopes till Oct. 4, 2010

by Priya Kale



A sexual or financial partnership is heating up. You’ve recently come to important realizations about yourself and what you need in order to merge with another on deeper levels of trust. No matter what the lessons and surprising twists and turns the past two years have brought, you are in a process of stabilizing key partnerships. Financially as well as emotionally, there is gold to be mined. It may feel like having to push through a wall, but keep communicating and you can see a way beyond something that has long been an obstacle. No one said it would be easy, but it surely will be well worth it and rewarding. Most importantly, keep yourself open to inspiration. Something you hear could be just the key you’ve been looking for to move through those walls. You’re in hot pursuit of something or someone you desire. Choose where you invest your energy wisely. In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make, and this is only the beginning

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


The work and pressure is mounting in your world, leaving no room for pleasure. It’s true that you face a considerable challenge, but just focus on doing what needs to be done and plough through. Be aware of your own unconscious fears that may cause you to feel defeated or powerless. You are not alone — far from it. Others, or at least one special other, is hot on your trail. A meeting is inevitable, and this is as real as it gets. Be honest about what you need in order to feel safe both emotionally and financially, and make your choices accordingly. Stand your ground on what is fundamentally true. But instead of anticipating conflict or getting charged up for a battle or feeling the need to defend yourself, try waving a truce flag. Lay down your armor in humility and accept the support you know in your heart you need. Your desires, too, are attainable if you’re willing to work for them, and you know anything worth having is worth working for. You are leading the way in an important relationship, and whether it is creative passion or sexual tension, you can work it out. Expect a passionate encounter or two at the end of the week.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


Events are asking you to take a bold step forward, out of your comfort zone. It may be hard to leave the nest, but you know well that you’ve spent too long being caged by a job or professional ambitions that didn’t really serve you. It may seem like a risky move and that you’re walking a fine line. But if it is a thin line between love and hate, then what do you want to fill your heart with? Yes, the past has taken its toll on your being able to trust that there is such a thing as love that lasts or a business partnership that you can invest in and actually profit from. It may feel like everyone you meet wants something from you. Look for substance rather than superficial pleasure, but don’t be too quick to judge something. Dip your toes, wet your imagination, and see how you feel. You don’t have to worry about being exploited as long as you are being honest with yourself and know where your boundaries are (not your parents’). Stay grounded in your truth while consciously moving past fears and insecurities, and you can move past a sense of limitation, leaving you free again to enjoy life’s finer pleasures daily. Every day is the first day of your life, and each day could be the last one you live. Liberate yourself to live and love by that motto.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


There have been major shifts in your world, and it may be tempting now to hold onto your beliefs. Just make sure that you are leaving the door open for a fresh perspective to evolve out of all the chaos your partnerships have recently endured. Rise above your insecurities in an important conversation with a close partner. Even if right now all you can see is the past you are leaving behind, as long as you are willing to move forward in a spirit of compromise and letting go, you can be assured that the support you need is present. Have confidence in your ability to draw into your world something that you truly desire and can lean on. This is a process of understanding the ground rules so that everyone feels safe. You are evolving from childhood desires and teenage fantasies and are in a process of laying the foundations for your life. But who said growing up had to be all serious business? Once you have a mutual understanding of the ground rules and resources at your disposal, you’ll be in a better space to dive into deeper, passionate pleasures. Be true to how you feel in your heart and, equally important, know your worth.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


You’re very aware now of the boundaries you can’t cross and the obstacles in your path. You have important choices to make regarding a work situation or your lifestyle that tie in with your finances and sense of security. No doubt these aren’t easy choices that you face. Be honest with yourself about the things in your life that simply aren’t working for you anymore. You can make room for more of what you want in your world if you can be honest about the things that you need to let go of. Now would be a great time to redecorate your house or invite friends over for a no-reason housewarming. There may be many hopeful and shimmering opportunities coming your way, but you’ve learned difficult lessons over the past two years, so be honest about the kind of trouble you don’t need in your life; see past an illusion. You don’t want to regret your decision, because it is something you will have to live with. In a difficult conversation, remember there are always two sides to a story; there is more below the surface. Trust your judgment, and be honest. It is your life to do what you “will.” It’s just that you do have a strong will, so make sure what you commit to is worth the effort. There are deeper treasures buried right beneath your feet, and the love and financial support is closer to home than you think.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


Within relationships and financial situations, you’re close to making crucial decisions that set the stage for at least the coming year (if not thirty). I say that not to scare you in any way, but so you can recognize the opportunity in front of you to restructure your life according to your values. Be conscious of the limitations and beliefs you are moving past. If you can evolve in your thinking and stop clinging to fearful beliefs and darker thoughts of why something is not possible, then you will begin to see something in a whole new light. Financially as well as emotionally, you can have deeply penetrative conversations that can really bring you more of what you need. It may be scary to speak your passion or your true desires, but find your self-esteem and be honest about where you stand, what your boundaries are, who is important and what you value. Then you can decide who gets to hear your most private thoughts and juiciest, most lucrative ideas. Be open-minded to the opportunities coming your way that reveal a whole new depth of potential. You know what you want and the fantasies you want to let go of. When in doubt, first rise above your insecurities, and then trust your own judgment as you choose. It’s stronger and more solid than you think.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


Something or someone is igniting deep desire within you, but after all the changes that have recently swept through your world, you may still be reeling a little. Financially as well as personally, now is a time to get real with what you want out of your life based on who you are today, accepting responsibility for the reality that you have already created. It may be scary to stand up for what you believe in when you’ve begun to question all that you once believed to be true, but take any fear you feel and use it as fuel and a driving force to get to the bottom of your own feelings about yourself. Nothing is set in stone – you can bring tangible change into your world both financially and emotionally. But we cannot change what we do not acknowledge. It may feel like pushing through a brick wall. Anywhere you encounter resistance, be honest that it is not you setting up your own limitations. As someone I know says to me, “Argue for your limitations, and you will get them.” You’ve been on a long, introspective journey of rediscovering your greater purpose. You don’t need to suffer in silence anymore. When the time comes to speak your truth, don’t be shy. You are moving past beliefs that have held you back. Once you burn through the past, there is a garden of tangible and intangible treasures that awaits you. You are worthy.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


You reach a major turning point in your destiny this week. Regardless of what you’ve feared, there has to be an understanding inside you now of the need to move on from something that has long been a heavy cross to bear. Remember that the walls you build up and the pain that comes from withholding and not trusting ultimately only keep you away from the Divine intimacy you seek. When the choices are plenty, it can be harder and paralyzing, because everything on the surface looks attractive and glamorous. But ask your soul what it thinks. The Universe wants you to experience the solidity you secretly seek within your relationships. There is a core truth you cannot deny anymore. If you are willing to move forward in faith, then you can alchemicaly change a situation by moving past suspicion and doubt toward opening a flow of abundance in your world. Go deep; now is not the time for superficial gratification, and sometimes the people who come here to teach us soul lessons have to unconsciously take on a darker role. But don’t ever doubt the love. As you will soon see, it’s real. You are Scorpio, and if anything, you know how to burn a hole through to see someone’s heart and soul with your vision. But it will be cloudy if you live in fear.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


You may have flaming suspicions and doubts about the future of a financial situation or deeply personal relationship. The recent past may have taken its toll on you, but hopefully you are beginning to see the light. The thing with karmic lessons is they are in equal effect for all. The Universe is fair and just – so if you feel like you’ve been wrongly done, have faith. You are moving past an important point that shows you how you can bring change to a difficult situation. Everyone gets to face the music, so you don’t have to worry about taking matters into your own hands. Be willing to stand up to your highest ideals and vision for what you would like to build in your world over the next two years. Literally, the sky is the limit, but part of this involves identifying key allies and building relationships you can trust. The love and resources you seek are available. The less you project fear and powerlessness, and the more you are humble but confident and encourage honesty, you will see a way forward. Use your imagination; be bold, honest, creative and, most importantly, dare to take a leap of faith.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


You are reaching a major turning point in your destiny, but such life lessons rarely come easily. In spite of the challenges you feel you face – if you keep an open mind, you are soon to receive brilliant inspiration or an important conversation showing you the way forward. Financially as well as emotionally, there is gold to be mined. You could also even meet a generous benefactor with deep pockets. Be fair, know the rules, and find a way to work together for mutual benefit. Be bold as you consciously evolve from the past and let go of old emotional baggage and insecurities that prevent you from stepping into the role you came here to play. And don’t let differences of opinion become a wall between you and your dreams. A friendship or personal relationship would certainly benefit from your desire to explore new pleasures. If you are single and looking for love, get out there and socialize. You have every chance of meeting a mysterious stranger, or at least people from worlds very different from yours who open you up to a world of new experiences.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


Professionally, your star is rising. Aim high this week and be unafraid to express your desires to partners and those who can help you further your cause. There is plenty of hope on the horizon as long as you don’t argue for your limitations. If you want to help others see your radical way of thinking, then you have to elevate your own perspective, as well. What you are trying to manifest in this world and attract goes far beyond rational thought. It’s a thing of great beauty and ahead of its time, which means being patient while you articulate and others catch the drift. Be bold and unafraid to shine. You’ve learned a lot over the past two years about what you want from your commitments. Your journey is about to take on new heights. Don’t be too quick to judge; just have faith in yourself. You are not fenced in; on the contrary, your horizons are about to open up in profitable and rather delicious ways. Be honest, and you can cut through to the heart of a situation. But also remember that you are not trying to make someone bleed, so be gentle and keep sight of your goal, and you can reach new levels of trust within a relationship.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010


You are reaching a turning point in your destiny. Be extremely honest with yourself and with partners about what your needs are. Draw healthy boundaries so that everyone understands their roles in the magical reality unfolding. Your ideas about sex, love, intimacy, creativity and your ambitions are evolving. Even if you aren’t a swinger who believes in free sex, the energy is asking you to go the extra mile toward liberating yourself. You can channel this through your creative passion at work, with intimate partners by simple heartfelt gestures, or through something a lot more dramatic, like planning a journey to the heart of the Amazon where you experience something wild that changes you at your core. If you can surrender, then soon you will see that you’ve moved through a wall and are on the other side, able to marvel at the wonders. Be inspiring as you decide whom you want along with you on the journey and whom you’d rather weed out. An important relationship is evolving, so be patient with a partner while they regain their sea legs after an encounter with your depth. Rather than push, entice. And don’t let a wall come between you and your desires. Just work it out.

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Subscribe to Weekly Horosocopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Personal Astrology Consultations | NEW – Relationship & Finance Audio thru Dec 2010

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