“I know this dream, it might be crazy, But it’s the only one I’ve got.” — Bob Dylan
We have some rather intense energy coming up as we lead into brilliant Aquarius Solar Eclipse on Monday, Jan. 26, 2009 at 7:55 AM UT. Mercury retrograded back into Capricorn yesterday after making a conjunction to Juno. Important information or a conversation could have given us a deeper insight into a relationship. We are still in the process of uncovering the recent past for nuggets of gold we’ve may have missed along the way, so don’t be in a hurry to dismiss a situation.
Venus is approaching an opposition to Saturn giving rise to an impending sense of doom but aspects developing today and over the next few days should be rather reassuring for many of the things that have seemed so worrisome lately.
Venus is now in Pisces and will sextile Mars on Friday bringing partnerships into the spotlight. Both planets are now in their ‘exalted’ positions (Mercury was while in Aquarius) in the sky, giving us access to their energy in its most ‘elevated,’ purest state. This is infusing us with rather passionate, creative and sexual energy drawing us almost magnetically to individuals and very lucrative opportunities.
Today, Venus conjuncts Uranus in Pisces and Mars in Capricorn sextiles Uranus (with Venus in close aspect.) Be willing to take a creative, emotional, sexual risk; if it feels scary like something you could only wildly hope to be true you are probably on the right track. Uranus is asking us to push past fear and reach for something we could only wildly hope for, then surrender all expectation and free fall. Surprises can be expected, only let go of trying to guess what this could be — with Uranus you never know.
As Venus and Mars approach in sextile there needs to be an exhange of energy for it to flow and find the right outlet. We need to celebrate our own masculinity and feminity equally. In finding this inner union we can allow the passion to radiate out infusing our life with creativity, love, sexual intimacy as well as lucrative financial opportunities.
Among aspects with minor planets the the Sun squares Asbolus, Eros trines Asbolus, Mars trines Sedna and squares Eris. There may be a struggle now between wanting ones to be free of a situation and holding on to something that you are not even sure is worth holding on to anymore. Asbolus in Taurus is a picture of resilience; understand that what is real will never leave you and can survive any disaster. This could be the turning point in finding the balance between freedom and commitment.
As Mars trines Sedna, if we are willing to let go of past hurts much can be healed; the square to Eris suggests we need to resolve our more selfish desires or our own feeling of fragmentation rather than project it out on a situation. Figure out what “you” want above all and then work towards it.
With the planets aligned the way they are it would be almost foolish to pass up the opportunities coming our way which would go a long way in building the foundations for a something that could truly enrich our lives tangibly and in the ways that count deep inside. This is offering us to make contact with the love of a divine creator and manifest it here on earth in its most refined earthly form, be it in relationships or in art.
There are even more aspects developing over the weekend as we head into the brilliant Aquarius Solar Eclipse on
/>Monday. On Saturday the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, Mars trines Saturn, Venus sextiles Mars and opposes Saturn. I will be looking at the astrology of this eclipse in-depth in the Eclipse report later in the week.
For now remember we are in the balsamic phase of the Moon as it disappears in the sky leading to the eclipse. This is a potently alchemical phase of the lunar cycle when the energy is moist, fertile ready to take “seed”. We are now “seeding” patterns that will carry us through at least a six month cycle of fruition.
With the Moon in Sagittarius today and other aspects developing — in all instances: be open to divine inspiration, follow the beat of your heart song and dare to dream an eternal dream.
— Priya Kale, NYC