Cancer Full Moon…

Dear Friends,

Much has happened since the last time I posted; you can read on below for an update. But first a check in with the big beautiful Cancer Full Moon… exact as I post this at 4:21 PM EDT on Jan. 19, 2011 at 29+ degrees.

It’s likely to be a rather emotional yet liberating time, with feelings swelling and spilling over like the tide. But there’s magic in the air – or I should say water.

With the Sun and Moon making harmonious aspects to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, this is fertile, healing, lucrative and deeply sensitive energy.

We are reaching a culmination of events that began at the time of the New Moon and Capricorn Eclipse on Jan. 4, 2011. On that day Jupiter and Uranus made a conjunction in Pisces, today as the lunation aspects this conjunction – we could very well see a small dream come true.

There may a strong desire to get things done and stay on top of business, but the Moon and watery energy is suggesting we let emotions percolate through our consciousness. Fluidity and being receptive to intuition could bring magical results.

As the Moon moves from Cancer to Leo shortly after the lunation it also opposes Mars. Deep sensitive emotions could get a dramatic airing out. If you’ve been bottling things up, expect a flood of passion…


A last minute change of plans: I was to fly to India on January 22, 2011 and by the grace of God was lucky enough to be able to change my flight to the end of the month. This gives me the breathing room I need to finish 2011 Annuals to my satisfaction and wrap up things in NYC before I relocate to Mumbai for a few months.

Note on Monthly Horoscopes – You regular Monthly Horoscopes will resume (starting February) once I land on the other side of the world

Note to Subscribers – I will be in your mailbox next week as promised. We will return to regular schedule in February. I am grateful beyond words to each of you individually, for your support and faith during this time.

Note on 2011 Annual Horoscopes – I am reading through the final drafts of the Horoscopes. I have given them my absolute best without compromise and pleased with the way they have turned out. I thank you all for your faith and patience as I finished these.

Please look for passwords in your mailbox by this weekend.

For those who have yet to purchase your 2011 Annual Horoscopes, you can do so now at this link at the discounted Pre-Order price until this weekend.

For those waiting or wanting to schedule Consultations, we can set up a date in this coming week.


On another note — As you may have noticed and read recently, it’s been a deeply transitional time for me on all levels – personally, professionally and spiritually. Over the course of the past year especially, I realize I need help with growing and maintaining this website, if it is ever to evolve to its fullest potential.

I’ve been back in NYC for over a week now after a brief but soulful much needed weekend away. I went to meet with Thomasina, a beautiful soul I connected and have been corresponding with since 2006, when I first started writing astrology.

She opened her heart and home to us (I was visiting with Niles and his angel Juno) and we had a wonderful time brainstorming and connecting soul to soul in the magical weather and mountains of Vermont.

I will allow her to introduce herself to you in a letter below. But this is a brief introduction to say I am delighted to have her assisting me (with others including Laura Ayers,) to re-organize this site and make it the best it can be (starting with the Subscriber Service.)

For those of you who understand and care to know – I have Leo on my mid-heaven and Virgo intercepted in my 10th house. I strive for healing with the work I do, and take great pride in it. But I am not too proud to admit ‘organization’ is something I need help with. I do though feel optimistic and grateful for the help that has come my way and look forward to plenty of exciting changes in 2011…

I hope you will stay with me on this evolving journey….

With Full Moon Blessings,



Also I’d like to extend my deep and endless gratitude to all who support me, and this website, in silent and active ways – through emails and investment of their time, money and efforts. Especially my Subscribers to the Weekly Service who largely support this website; to Andrea Adolph (who helps edit this Blog and Horoscopes,) Laura who has been an angel and a rock through these past months end of this website in the past months; and of course Niles who has been here through it all. With solid business and creative advice when I need it, a deep spiritual well to drink from when I feel depleted, and a mirror: helping me stay true to my self and this work.

This aside from many others whom I haven’t named but I value equally, including all my family and friends. Thank you.


Letter from Thomasina:


I’m writing from the sunny yet freezing cold town of Goshen, Vermont.  It is beautiful here, all the trees are crystallized with droplets of ice and the sun is shining. Truly heavenly.

I have been a long-term reader of Priya Kale, from her current Blog and since when she first started writing at Planet Waves in 2006.  During that time I started to take a keen interest in astrology because of the major life changes I was going through: I was a single mom going through a divorce and painfully learning who I was at that time.  And I still am learning each day.

Over the years I have narrowed down the astrologers I choose to read, those that are more positive without being Pollyanna-like, who empower readers to make “choices” based on the available energy, and who do not “predict” but recognize potentially challenging energy.

After a chart reading from Priya back in September 2010, she and I started talking on the phone regularly and the connection was quick.  I came to understand much about myself from that reading and I am continually working towards making conscious choices so that I might utilize my full potential and let go of the past.

After many conversations, Priya excitedly traveled to Vermont and visited my family and me; it was a wonderful weekend. After some brainstorming sessions, we realized we could mutually help each other. She desires to expand the scope of services Cosmic Diaries provides, and with my background in business marketing (and a healthy desire to assist her), we are embarking on some major changes to the site and services.

Over the coming months you’ll see changes to the website design, in organization, in astrology education and much, much more. We have many exciting plans in the works and we welcome any and all ideas and feedback from you, the loyal readers. So please send any and all comments or ideas you have to me at and cc Priya at

On another note, I want to point out that Cosmic Diaries is not only Priya’s amazing gift to us; it is also her livelihood and Life Work.

For those of you out there who are not subscribers, but consistently read Cosmic Diaries and get fed there, I’d like to ask: would you be willing to “invest” $1 per month for all of 2011 to read this blog?

Unlike most astrological sites, Cosmic Diaries has no paid advertising on it – a rarity in this day and age.  Since advertising revenue is a large part of how web sites make money, Priya has consciously chosen NOT to take that route, relying instead upon her subscriptions, consultations and reports for her livelihood.  But now Cosmic Diaries is reaching a fork in the road, one where either she has to cut back on Blogging, or it changes, providing a platform for Priya to offer more of her honed astrological wisdom and other services for your benefit.

As is often the case when a small business tries to expand and grow, getting from where we are to where we envision it to be, takes an investment.  Would all the readers be willing to consider “investing” $1 a month to assist in the redevelopment and increased services as well as supporting the current site?

So, I sincerely ask you: Is Cosmic Diaries worth $1 per month – $12 for the year to you?

If you do find deep value in reading Cosmic Diaries, we are asking readers to assist the growth of Cosmic Diaries by ‘investing’ $12 (or any one-time amount you find doable to show your appreciation) to help grow this site.

Your ‘investment’ is your commitment to ensuring the continuity and growth of Cosmic Diaries, but more importantly, your investment is a commitment to your own growth, healing and development.

Thank you all, truly as we look forward to hearing all your ideas and feedback and serving you more deeply in 2011.

With Love from Goshen, Vermont



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