Order your 2011 Annual Horoscopes
(Your 2011 Horoscopes are now available. Please allow 24-48 hours for passwords to be emailed to you.)
Subscribers – I will be in your mailbox with an extended Aquarius New Moon report before the end of the month.
Dear Friends,
Saturn stationed retrograde in Libra on Jan. 25, 2011. This may have seemed to bring relationships and situations to a grinding halt, with boundaries being drawn. But this is a longer phase emerging until Saturn stations direct in June, which will allow us to readdress crucial balances and to restore peace, harmony and, importantly, justice.
Over the past couple of days, the Moon passing its Last Quarter phase in Scorpio has asked for a deep letting-go and a transformation of the darker emotions and resentments that weigh us down.
We are moving now toward a potent New Moon in Aquarius on Feb. 2, 2011, with a stellium building in that sign. Mars and Ceres make a tight conjunction to the New Moon, suggesting that inspiration is in the air, along with a burning desire to pursue a cause that feeds a greater collective.
Also at the time of the New Moon, Venus in Sagittarius forms a T-square to Uranus in Pisces and to Juno in Virgo. There may be a great desire to escape a situation. But be wise and imaginative; focus on the big picture. Communication will be key, bringing a surprising breakthrough or turn of events.
Now, as the Moon moves through Sagittarius, there may be a sense of regaining fiery optimism. This is taking us into the Balsamic phase of the Moon, the most fertile period to seed new intentions. Be honest with yourself above all.
Aquarius energy can often seek approval in spite of its being a highly individualistic sign, but this only reveals a deeper truth: only in total self-acceptance and dissolution of the ego can there be an experience of total liberation or “Nirvana” or simply the freedom to “be.”
On another note – It’s been a whirlwind around here, and now that I’m done with the 2011 Horoscopes, the next time you hear from me will likely be from the other side of the world. Between now and then, I’m finally moving out of my apartment. I arrive in Mumbai just in time for the New Moon in my 4th house and will be back on the blog as soon as I settle in.
Here’s wishing you a magical New Moon.
This New Moon also marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year. Here are greeting cards for the ‘Year of the Rabbit’ designed by a dear, close friend Mihika Deshpande — buy a few for friends and family. (Mihika and I went to college together in Mumbai at Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art. Mihika currently lives in Pune, India where she freelances as a Designer.)