Hello and Update…

Dear Subscribers, Readers and Friends,

It’s been a long month of being glued to my computer, eating and dreaming charts. Now that I am done with the Horoscope project, today was my first day resurfacing.

With the Mercury retrograde in my 10th, I’ve been rethinking the site and weekly subscriber service, so if you are subscriber or considering joining the service please check your email and or this space for updates within the next few days. Also I have had many requests for personalized written reports, so I’m thinking of ways to offer this as an added service.

Meanwhile, I’m  getting through my list of emails, so please I appreciate your patient while I catch up if you’ve been waiting. Also I am back to scheduling appointments, so if you have a pending session from me — look for an email in the next day or so or please feel free to email me and we can schedule a time as soon as possible.

On a more personal note, I will be traveling home to India sometime around the Lunar Eclipse. As I may have mentioned before my mother will be having her art exhibition in Mumbai which I plan to attend. And of course spend some quality time with family. To me this is where I go to recharge once a year, ground myself in my roots before I start over, so needless to say I am very much looking for it. Also I will be traveling to a jungle for a weekend in a National Park under the stars, with one of my dearest friends Mihika which has me beyond excited.

BUT through all of this I will still be very much “here” and writing (thanks to the magic of the internet.) So I look forward to fill you in on my adventures and hope to have you along my journey. Today, I have a cousin visiting who I haven’t spent time with in 5 years, so I’m taking the evening off for now…

Hope you are well, more soon….



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