
Dear Friends and Readers,

I’m back from a much needed unplanned break from my computer. The events of the past few days have been a rather surreal experience for me personally, a lot of release and revelation. But I can’t even begin to talk about me when I know the economic situation in the world is certainly not the most stable and hurricanes are taking over.

This is the Saturn-Uranus opposition kicking in and the Full Moon in Pisces has been a picture of complete dissolution. Back in 2007 I wrote an article for the Planet Waves Annual “Small World Stories,” listing major astrological events of 2008 and I hate to say that I saw the hurricanes coming.

“Nov. 4, 2008 – Saturn (18+ Virgo) opposite Uranus (18+ Pisces) 8:20 AM EST

The opposition takes place with Saturn conjunct the MC (19+ Virgo) and Uranus conjunct the IC, with Saturn forming a close square to Pallas at 20+ Gemini Rx.

Pallas also opposes Venus at 20+ Sagittarius in close conjunction to Pluto at 19+ Sagittarius and Juno at 00+ Capricorn (squaring the Aries Point).

The Moon at 24+ Capricorn is separating from its conjunction to Jupiter at 17+ Capricorn — forming an earth trine to Saturn. The Moon is also in a trine to Mars in the 12th house at 21+ Scorpio.

Mars exacts a square to Neptune at 21+ Aquarius in his trine to Pallas.

We also have an earthy trine forming between asteroids Juno at 00+ Capricorn, Ceres at 00+ Virgo, and Vestal at 05+ Taurus Rx.

Revolution is in the air and this aspect is sure to shake a few trees; we are being challenged to open up to a higher stream of consciousness. Unlike Pluto’s transformation — which is a slow process of stripping away, this is more like having a bucket of cold water wake you from ignorant slumber.

Saturn is now in a supportive trine to Jupiter and the Moon. At best we are learning to channel our inner passionate urges to guide us in making the changes necessary to make our visions a reality.

As for the world, hopefully we will have begun to take our ecological crisis seriously or we may be about to get some sharp reminders from mother nature.”

This is also election day in the US — I’m not even going to bother making a prediction but all I can say is we better watch out, things are about to get really interesting. As far as the financial picture, I’ve been thinking about this deeply and what message it could have for us. I feel this is more than just about whether the market will go “up” again. I think the message we are receiving here is about the way we do “business” in this world these days. We are going to have to “think green” not just for the environment but in every aspect of our life. Green isn’t just the color of money.

Saturn in Virgo is a picture of service the earth manifest; it reminds us of our responsibilities to this world we live in. Uranus in Pisces is awakening us to a infinite cosmic consciousness that we are all a part of. What we do here on earth needs to be in tune with a higher mission or awareness, or there’s going to be trouble it’s as simple as that. Be it individuals or corporations or countries, mother nature will take care of those that take care of her.

Also at this time the minor planet Borasisi is in Pisces opposing Saturn. Here’s a an excerpt from one of my previous blogs. “Borasisi according to Philip Sedgwick has the ceremonial influence of ‘Enacting affirmations, declarations, setting one’s rules of soulful communication and cosmic law.’ Its presence in Pisces on a personal level is about learning that only when we recognize the oneness of it all, can we act in accordance to the highest truth.”

But this is not just personal anymore, oneness means recognize that each and every one of makes the whole of this crazy world we live in. The change needs to come from inside out. Start small, start with yourself — and you’ll see just how “big” you are. This life we’ve been given is indeed a gift. What are you doing to contribute to humanity? We each have our own soul purpose to fulfill. If we all act in accordance with this inner resonance of truth, overcoming our fears of failure or success — recognizing that both those terms are really relative, I do believe the pieces of the puzzle will start to fit.

La Luna she is in Taurus today, a time for calming down those frazzled emotions. The Moon is exalted here so find a way to ground yourself in all that is comfortable. It’s been helluva few days so allow yourself to just relax and trust for a change. It’s all going to be alright.

— Priya Kale, NYC


I will repost in a bit with some of my more surreal adventures of the past few days…


I am now available for private consultations. I have decided to extend my current rates until the LIbra New Moon at the end of the month. So please contact me for further information or to schedule an appointment. Thanks!

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