I sat down to write tonight not really knowing what I was going to say. Its easier when there are major aspects in the sky and although we are heading into the Libra New Moon I figured I would post the New Moon report over the weekend, when it was ready. But as I logged in I noticed a comment to yesterday’s blog awaiting my approval that I’d like to post and respond to here.
“Hello Priya,
Your writing and truth has really inspired me and I am so thankful to be a part of your daily readings and philosophy. You touch the core of my soul everyday. Thank you for sharing your insight.
My question is that – how do men feel about all this? Your writings are so full of love and deep knowledge, and love and expression play a big part in your messages. To most men – if you talk about stuff like this, they will run a mile. Yet, we all know as women that men too want love – true love – or do they? Sometimes you want to shake them and say hey! you have a heart and a soul and that’s what’s important but 9 out of 10 they run from this stuff. I’m 45 and have had a broken marriage and a childhood full of abuse and neglect. I have worked so hard at overcoming bitterness toward men and I feel time is getting short. I don’t know if it’s a UK thing but men have become cold, scared and always think the grass is greener somewhere else. Sex is their priority and biggest need – or they want the best of both worlds. Why can’t they learn and realise that there is sensitivity and caring out there? In a nutshell I guess it would be a miracle if a man could read one of your blogs and honestly say – yes, this is true and it means something. It’s powerful stuff and I hope it opens the eyes and hearts of everyone.
From Mercury retrograde and pure magic… ”
Dear Gill,
I feel your question would be best answered by the men reading this page so I invite them to post comments in response. Some are long time readers and I know for a fact there is at least one man out there reading, compassionate and real enough to answer this question.
“My question is that – how do men feel about all this? Your writings are so full of love and deep knowledge, and love and expression play a big part in your messages. To most men – if you talk about stuff like this, they will run a mile.
Yes, they do run a mile. I wish I could say they don’t. I do have Juno in Scorpio on my Ascendant, so I am aware of my intense need for equality, loyalty and a bond that transcends earthly realms in all my relationships. I try to approach them in a spirit of resolving karma while consciously working out our dharma and mission for this life.
I say this, but of course its easier said than done. I wish I could get the men in my life to answer your question, I’m sure they’d have a few stories to tell. Its not easy being my friend, its usually easier being my lover. Even that has been a challenge to get someone to look beyond my shell to my insides — men definitely respond to me differently when I am heavier as opposed to when I am thin, but I feel it just weeds out the superficial ones.
But even those who are real, for whatever reason its seems to be the furthest thing for some men to fathom, that someone can love them unconditionally and intensely — and yet not be their mother. So in reality its true, they do run. But it is also my experience that when they realize they are only running from themselves, or their own fears, they usually stop.
If they don’t, they can keep on running; and I know that I am to let them go work out their own stuff. If they stay they usually stick around and our relationship either grows or transforms to its next stage naturally. But I refuse to allow someone else’s fear to subdue my feelings and pretend to feel something I don’t, or worse — that I don’t feel something I do. I wouldn’t be being true to either of us. I do have some amazing relationships with men that have transformed into beautiful intimate friendships, based on real love. So I know it is possible, albeit challenging but I am growing constantly and with a 7th house sun, I live it out within my relationships with people.
On the one hand, I feel a man reading my “words” may find it ‘easier’ to relate to me because it is done in the safety of his mind. He can take my words and hopefully they will bloom in his heart, opening it to the light. I’m not sure I can say they know “me” accurately because what I write here is only about 1% of my being though I give it my all. But if my words could only help one man who may some day come across a woman or a partner who is ready to open up their being to them, then my work is done. That he will treat her with tenderness and respect, even if he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings.
If someone wants to get to know the real me I am learning that it has to be in person, because then I know they are interacting with me, not a figment of their imagination and my words. I say this knowing that I have many friends, men I share close relationships with who have never read a word I have to say. At least I know they are present and they know that although I am far from perfect I want to grow. But then again, words are easier digested than having to actually “feel” and live these words than just have to read them.
I guess I want what any man or woman wants, someone who reads beyond my words and “listens” to what my heart is saying even when I am silent, someone who wants to know love “through” me. I am also learning that I don’t have to hold on, neither do I have to let go. What “is” will always be and the sooner we can stop fighting it the sooner we can get on with doing what we really came here to do. One conscious person in a relationship may not be enough but its a start I feel.
With that I leave the floor open to you men… How DO you feel about what I write? What would you do if you encountered someone with more love than they could contain? If someone said to you “I am grateful that you would receive my love and let me unburden my heart by allowing me to share it with you,” how would you react? What makes you run?
“In a nutshell I guess it would be a miracle if a man could read one of your blogs and honestly say – yes, this is true and it means something. It’s powerful stuff and I hope it opens the eyes and hearts of everyone.”
Is there anyone out there? I’m curious…
— Priya
I’ll be back with the New Moon report and weekend astrology hopefully late Friday night…