Mars Direct in Virgo: Horoscopes

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April 2012 through June 20, 2012 – Horoscopes for Mars Direct in Virgo



Your ruler Mars stationed direct this week, after being retrograde since the end of January. To put it simply- where you’ve felt stuck, you can now come unstuck. If you’ve been working too hard and if your health has deteriorated, now is the time to regain balance. It may take a while for you to gather momentum with tedious details to attend to; work efficiently, smarter rather than harder. As much as you’d like to wash your hands clean of something, trust this is an important part of a process allowing you to start over on the right foot with a situation. Be in no denial of what is not working for you personally, within relationships and at work. Clear the decks of what is unnecessary and prioritize your life. Then you can start to decide the relationships, activities and work that fulfill you and are worth you investing your energy. Your ethics, integrity and devotion count; allow yourself to be moved by the music in your soul. In one particular relationship you’ve past a milestone; with honest communication you can clear the air to bring renewed understanding, commitment, freedom and trust.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012



There may be huge doubts hanging over your head, about choices you need to make. But a relationship or situation that has been deeply worrying is moving forward again. After all you’ve been through you may not be sure what or whom to trust anymore. Some things may seem completely illogical but rather than try to analyze your desires, creative or sexual urges, allow yourself to be moved by the passion and love you feel in your heart, body, mind, soul and being. As long as you are no denial of reality and your desires, you don’t need to fear fooling yourself or being taken for a ride. In a situation where you’ve felt lost, a calculated risk could be just what’s needed, so trust your intuition. Confront your fears honestly, then you can make choices confidently and fearlessly inspiring the support you need from a partner, friends and the Universe. Next week a New Moon in your sign is bringing you to solid new start allowing you to start living the life of your dreams.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


A domestic situation is heating up and as uncomfortable as it makes you to be in the hot seat, trust things are moving forward now. There is no need to rush a process; instead, use this time to clear space of the past (physically or metaphorically) and find your footing so you can make a clean start; you are in the process of building a solid foundation for your dreams. If there is a sense of stagnation professionally or personally, ask yourself what you need to let go of so you can move ahead unburdened and with a greater sense of purpose. Get to the bottom of the insecurities, fears, anxieties or worries that prevent you from manifesting your full potential. Also be in no denial of where you may have been chasing a fantasy or holding on to illusions of glamor, grandeur, conditioned ideas of “success”. Ask yourself what you need to feel safe — both materially and emotionally; and recognize what you really need is to feel comfortable in your own skin so you can be free to be wholly yourself and do what you really want without worrying what others think. Then you can reach for something that you feel passionately about and helps you unveil your true purpose on this planet.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


You may be deeply worried or perhaps confused about a tantalizing opportunity beckoning you to explore new horizons. It may be scary to hope, but be very honest about past disappointments which stemmed from your own illusions. You are closer to a breakthrough and a distant dream than you think. But it will require a conscious mental shift on your part allowing you to see things from another perspective so you can reroute your journey to your destination. Let go of negativity and holding on to past resentments, ideas of success or fears of failure. Be honest with yourself about your motivations, and be constructive in thought and action. You can make solid progress. You are coming into your own now, but remain humble rather than lord power over others. Then you can inspire the help you need to get the work done. Ask for what you need but let go of expectations. One of them is likely to come through rather well over the coming few weeks with practical advice and/or emotional or material support.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


Hopefully you are gaining insight into a nebulous situation, your role within it and your path to freedom. If not, keep an open mind and you can have honest conversations that bring you the perspective you need. Then you can move past a mental block or see a new way beyond whatever has held you back or where you feel you’ve reached the end of the road. Personally you may think you’ve reached rock bottom, but the good news is things can only move up from here. Your journey has asked you to dig deeper for your self-worth and values so you can make a precious discovery of what you have to offer. Stay grounded in this awareness and you can make choices that bring you steady growth in your self-esteem and material well being; allowing you to deepen important relationships. A partner or friend is inviting you to go beyond your usual limits or you may be meet someone new who expands your world. Beware of projecting too many fantasies, expectations or jumping in head first. This means being extremely honest with yourself first about your desires and motivations. Go slow, take the time to get to know someone and build trust; one needs air to breathe.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


Mars has been in your sign since the beginning of November and after a long retrograde phase, it is now direct. Since November, life has taken you on many hair-raising twists and turns. This may have led you to confront deeper questions about the meaning of life, death, your reason for being and purpose here on this planet. Hopefully you’ve not given in to too much self-criticism, worry or expecting perfection from yourself or others, especially in a situation thats under your skin and or you feel powerless in. But your introspective journey has hopefully led to a greater self-awareness and sense of purpose. You may still be a little raw, but as Mars stations direct, you can gain clarity on a situation and find your power within it and learn what you can do to help something evolve. Rather than try to change someone or something else, this calls for an internal shift. Be the force of change you seek and you can turn a situation around with surprisingly solid results.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


You are leaving behind a part of your past behind but you are also undoubtedly journeying forward to gain a higher perspective on your life. Trust your judgement as you journey forward. There’s a confusing situation in your world and you may not really know where partners stand or who you can trust or what you should do next. In spite of your worst fears, a situation or a relationship is progressing; and there is also a growing subconscious desire on your part to move on from a situation. As much as you are being asked to be the adult, you don’t have to shoulder all the responsibility or lose your innocence. You are reaching a milestone within a relationship, showing you where your boundaries are and what someone truly means to you. As difficult as something has been be flexible rather than rigid; be willing to ask for help and you can correct an imbalance bringing you the support you need materially and emotionally. Also let go of emotional baggage that weighs you down. Go where your heart feels free and you’ll have the wind behind your back.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


You may be deeply disillusioned by people and there may be certain friendships that are hanging on by a thread. But Mars your co-ruler stations direct in your 11th house of friends and community, where it has been retrograde for a while, suggesting a time of healing and greater mutual support can now begin. What began to unfold in your life back in November? It’s almost never constructive to play the “what if” game. But in this case what if you had the chance to do it all over again? Because this time you actually do have that chance. If you let go of resentments, hurt, pain anger and focus on forgiveness, healing and finding constructive solutions you can find the support you need from friends, a partner and within your community. You don’t have to force anything that simply isn’t working — rather through this transit you will know who your friends truly are. A precarious financial situation or a sexual relationship or commitment you feel two ways about is evolving; there can be resolution and the key is communication. You may feel there is a huge divide between you and someone else but find middle ground with the values you share. There’s more to life beyond sex, power and money — it’s called love.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012



A professional situation may finally be showing signs of life again. After all the stops, starts and disappointments you’ve faced you may not be sure if you can trust this development or if it’s worth the risk. As frustratingly slow as things have been, now is not the time to throw out the baby with the bath water. Rather than get your heart set on a particular outcome or fear disillusionment, stay grounded in your reality. Be honest about what is not working, anything you’ve been in denial about and what “success” means to you. You don’t need to worry about pleasing or impressing anyone or worry what others think. Focus your energy into what does work and clarifying a goal that reflects your integrity and devotion. Then you can put into motion a plan of action that brings tangible results Slow and steady wins the race. But this is no race or competition, this is your life. Live your best life now and everyday; then trust progress even if it is slow is solid.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


This month and week brings you much needed perspective on a domestic situation that has shaken up your sense of security. As unpredictable as things have been, you’ve not only managed to stay on top but thrive in the midst of chaos. You can renegotiate an important arrangement now to bring you greater balance and reclaim your authority where it may have been challenged lately. Keep your perspective and your cool. As pressured as things may have felt, you’re about to come out on top with a clear understanding of your authority and the direction you want to go in. A situation is pushing you to unveil the best of yourself and what you have to offer this world. As you put a chapter of the past behind you, clear your own mind of delusions, fantasies and or fears then you can be free to be all you were born to be. Remain humble as you scale new heights and you can make great strides.


Do you have your life all figured out? If you think you do, I would be concerned that you aren’t glossing over or in denial of something you need to face. On the other hand if you find yourself crazy with worry over, obsessing over a situation that is out of your control, I would suggest you take a deep breath before making any sudden moves. There is a financial situation and or a sexual relationship that is asking for and deserves your attention. Be wary of projecting fear or fantasy on to a situation. What you need is clarity and trust, which can come through honest conversation and a heart to heart. Negotiations that have been stalled can move ahead now. Allow for a mental shift or change of attitude and you will see your power to turn it all around. There is a creative solution to your dilemma which calls for a small risk. Trust how you feel and you can make choices that make your heart happy.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012



You’ve been through a long process of re-evaluating important relationships and situations and what they mean to you. There are people in your world who are not all that they seem. There are those with great qualities that slip by unnoticed and those that create a lot of confusion but have little to offer. As confusing as things have been, actions speak louder than words. Observe what’s going on around you and soon you will have greater clarity on peoples true motivations. Then you can choose your level of involvement with others in awareness of what is or isn’t working for you. Beware of projecting fantasies. Be honest with yourself, forgive others, put the past behind you and give your attention to what or who you most value. You are reaching the end of a chapter, but this is also teaching you the importance and value of certain commitments in your world. Ultimately this is about building trust and equal partnerships with people and situations that give back as much as you have to share.

Personal Astrology Consultations | | 2012 Annual Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscopes | Saturn in Libra 2010-2012 | Mars in Virgo till July 2012


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