Taurus New Moon

“To touch is to heal
To hurt is to steal
If you want to kiss the sky
Better learn how to kneel”

— Bono, Mysterious Ways

Dear Friends,

We are still in the womb of a fecund Taurus New Moon which occurred yesterday at 1+ degree of the sign. This New Moon trined Mars (newly direct) in Virgo and also formed a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. For all that has been so slippery this past month, ground yourself in reality now and there can be healing and steady growth in terms of feeling financially and emotionally secure.

Taurus is a sensual sign that represents “physical” energy — it rules one’s body, commitments, income and material possessions. More importantly it represents one’s values which hopefully go beyond just the material to get to the core nature of something.

Dig deep for your values and self-worth, as you invest in the relationships and situations that mean something to you beyond just the physical and what you can gain from them. The deeper the roots, the taller the tree; commit to what you value and with hard work, love and patience, you will see tangible results of your efforts. Please also read below for an excerpt from April’s astrological Overview.

On another note, it’s the end of my time here in India and I will be in transit starting Tuesday until Thursday next week as I head back to the US, so please be patient with responses to email during this time. Also if you’ve recently emailed me and haven’t heard back, please re-send your email and I will be in touch shortly.

— Priya Kale, Apr. 22, 2012


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Here is an excerpt from the April astrological overview sent out to Subscribers at the beginning of the month, describing the energy surrounding this lunation:

The Taurus New Moon on April 22, 2012 will trine (a now direct) Mars in Virgo and sextile Neptune in Pisces, making this an extremely conducive climate to plant seeds that bring material and emotional security, growth and abundance.

Sextiles give us something to work with and the trine is a solid, stabilizing aspect. This New Moon is a mix of earthy, watery energy in the sign of the earth making it especially fertile: Neptune in Pisces is watering the Taurus New Moon it with creative inspiration and life giving water. Also Mars (direct) in Virgo, is full of determination; in a trine to the New Moon it suggests with discipline, hard work, dedication and commitment, a plan of action has every chance of success.

In relationships as well this can be a rather solidifying and healing new start, bringing an understanding of what we really value in our relationships and whom we value. As long as we project fantasies on to others, we are bound to be disappointed when reality doesn’t match up. Stay grounded in reality, who is real and the relationships that are loyal.

By the month’s end, for all that has been so confusing, there is a sense of finally getting on track with situations and on the road the road again, making headway on your journey. A seed that was planted around the time of the Aries New Moon can begin to take root at this New Moon.

Stay rooted in your values and with creativity, dedication and commitment, and you can nurture a vision or dream to life.

— Priya Kale, April 1, 2012, April 2012 Cosmic Weather.

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