Moon or Mind…?

Weekly Horoscopes for Week beginning Oct. 10, 2009 are ready for download


The Moon has entered Cancer her home sign and I’ve been contemplating NASA bombing the Moon in search for water-ice.

We can debate forever about the motives and implications of the experiment and whether or not this is a good or bad thing. But on an esoteric level this affects us all deeply.

The planets are only reflective of the energies at work within us. They say it’s the dark side of the Moon so we won’t “see” the crater. But what is the dark side of the Moon other than the part of our emotional psyche that we don’t acknowledge?

This could symbolize a quest of rediscovering long frozen forgotten emotions, so deeply hidden that we doubt the very existence of them. Are we so numb to our own feelings, that we question if they even exist?

It may be particularly useful to look at our relationship with our mothers or what or who brings us security. The sense of nurturing we received does create our emotional make-up and ripples out into how we relate to others around us. What we consider the “dark side” is still part of the whole. What seems like a violent act, could indeed be the wake up call we need to acknowledge and thaw out those feelings to bring new life to a forgotten paradise.

Meanwhile also up in the sky, Mercury has now ingressed Libra and squares Pluto on Saturday. Mercury is still in echo phase and will enter new territory on Oct. 14, 2009. Today’s aspect is bringing us to a turning point within important situations and communications within our relationships; a story the began to unfold late August before Mercury changed direction.

Perhaps we need to be looking at the dark side of the monkey mind, rather than the Moon. Avoid projection and be honest about your own desire to control something based on an idea of the past, rather than the present. There needs to be a honest deconstruction of rules and preconceived notions so we can evolve to a deeper understanding of what is needed to bring balance to a situation.

I’ll be back with Weekly Horoscopes early Saturday EDT and a short update later in the day with astrology and the dates I will be in Toronto, so please check back in…

— Priya Kale, Penetanguishene, Ontario


Congratulations to President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize!


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