Sample Weekly Horoscopes

Sample Weekly Horoscopes for Week of Feb. 28, 2010 by Priya Kale

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“…Clean up your messes, so you can increase the flow of what you desire into your world….”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…Be fluid and willing to reach for something that has long been a wild fantasy, with no expectations of what ensues…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You are coming into your own and there is a professional or personal partnership you share with someone who sees the magic in you…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You are evolving to a deeper understanding and emotional maturity within your relationships….”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You are evolving to recognize the true depth of your relationships. But none of this abundance can flood your world unless you don’t consider yourself worthy.  …”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You are being invited to dive in and see yourself through the eyes of another…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You can evolve to a place that brings you a deeper experience of joy, right here in the present as you work towards a soul mission…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…You are becoming more aware of your heart it’s hopes and your powers of attraction, so be conscious of what you are projecting. Evolve to a higher understanding, so you don’t risk letting something precious could slip through your fingers….”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…Others are willing to offer you the comfort and emotional security you crave, but you need to trust in the magic flowing into your world…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations



“…How can you get what you need if you don’t dare ask for it?…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes |
Weekly Horosocopes |
Personal Astrology Consultations



“…If you feel you aren’t being appreciated, be willing to speak honestly without letting judgment or criticism seep into a situation…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations


“…People are curious and want to enter your world, but recognize their reluctance may simply be awe rather than anything shady…”

2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Astrology Consultations

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