You’ve been working hard to make the necessary changes in your life. Do what you can now to listen to your inner psyche and what it’s trying to tell you. Part of you may want to escape a difficult situation but any denial of your feelings will only boil over in scathing resentment. You can reach an important understanding within a partnership this week, if you can find a way to bring balance within yourself. It may take a while to work our all the details. But be honest with yourself first about your needs and then be willing to ask for them. Once you do, all that is worrying you at the moment is likely to wash over you like a sigh of relief.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You’ve been wrestling with a demanding situation that has tested you deep in your heart. Now the question is what will you do to find that inner peace you so long for? Arguing about it will get you nowhere. If what you seek is balance then recognize the need to feel your emotions rather than think them through. This is not about some idealistic fantasy, but about you finding the safety, trust and comfort you had for when you were a child. Stop trying to rationalize your desires nor do you have to drive yourself crazy with worry. Instead, rise above your insecurities and ask for what you want. You are indeed safe and blessed.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You’ve been weighing out the risks carefully within a situation close to your heart. Something’s gotta give and it will come as soon as you resolve something within yourself. You’ve already confronted your deeper fears within a situation. Ask yourself why you are so afraid of dreaming for what you so deeply desire. You are learning now it matters less what you do with your life rather than how you feel. Be patient as you unravel a part of your past. This is giving you deeper insight into where you come from, so you can decide how you want to proceed. What you seek is the freedom to be yourself and being comfortable in your own skin. No matter what you fear, rise above your insecurities. It’s a fine balancing act – but you’ll do just fine.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
Be as honest as you can now within a delicate situation. You may fear that this is like to cause more upset than restore peace. But if you can find a way to resolve an issue within yourself first, you can find the freedom you’ve been yearning for. Use your highest perspective now and focus on healing, rather than your tendency to worry about something. You are learning to love yourself better. Recognize your own desires, as well as pride that can stand in the way of you feeling safe to speak your mind and how you truly feel. Be gentle but truthful, the truth will always set you free.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You’ve been working to find what is important to you and what heals you. A deeply intimate or financial partnership is coming to light reflecting an important truth back to you. Be gentle as you consciously resolve any inner emotional insecurity. Mental doubts can stir up a storm of emotion that has little to do with reality. If you can be honest now within an important conversation you are likely to be revealed the depth of support available to you. This is more than likely to wash over in waves of ecstasy rather than anything you might fear. You may wonder if you deserve something this divine. Don’t waste time doubting. Know it, own it and be open to receive.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You are coming full circle with your desires. It’s no use denying what you feel now and you need to make peace with this. But this cannot happen until you are willing to acknowledge your own doubts and insecurities that stand in the way of recognizing who you really are. A relationship or important personal situation has an important truth to reveal to you. You are redefining yourself now in the light of what you are learning. Be patient as you go through this month. Be willing to listen as well as speak about what you want, what you value and also what you fear. Focus on an ideal rather than any voices of doubt. You can have what you desire if you believe you deserve it.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
Something is trying your patience this month. But if you can avoid succumbing to pressure you could reach new heights of success. Within every challenge comes an opportunity to succeed and this is yours. No matter what you fear about a professional situation, what happens next depends on your ability to stay balanced and not let insecurities regarding a partnership get the better of you. You’ve dedicated your soul to a mission, which may not have always been rewarding. But finally here comes the recognition you so deserve. Don’t worry about sharing your time in the spotlight. No one could steal your guts or glory if they tried.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
Hopefully you’ve managed to rise above your darker suspicions enough to see the light. There is a truth you’ve been hiding (most likely from yourself) that you would do well to acknowledge now. A friendship or partnership situation has a deep truth to reveal to you about your heart. It may be scary to admit just how deep your feelings run. But when have you been one to shy away from desire? It may be hard to believe that something this infinitely divine could flood your life. But this is not about belief. This is about the wisdom of your heart and soul, which is as real as the blood that courses through your veins.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You’ve hopefully been getting the recognition you deserve for your efforts. If not ask yourself what you might be doing to prevent the inflow of greater emotional and financial security in your world? You don’t ask for much in this world and are willing to give more than your fair share without question. This is because of your faith in a greater divine benign creator that showers her blessings on you when you most need it. People are not mind readers though, so rise above your insecurities within an important conversation. Sometimes you have to be willing to speak up for what you know you are worth. You stand to gain more than lose and when you gain, so does every one around you. Win-win is your secret to success.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You may be in the midst of important negotiations within a professional situation. Be honest now about how you feel rather than focus on what you “think” about something. The mind is tricky and has a way of distorting the simplest of realities. You are being reflected a deep truth now. Be wise and willing to focus on the bigger picture rather than get caught up in irrelevant details. Whatever you are unsure of can be cleared with an honest conversation. But again for that you have to be “present” and most importantly non-judgmental.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
You are learning an important truth about yourself and inner desires. This comes through the light of a relationship or deeply personal situation. Rather than be overly idealistic and then get frustrated, acknowledge what it is that you would like to change. Have more faith in yourself and your ability to ride the waves. There is no point in getting caught up in an endless debate that has more to do with the past than the future. You can have more emotional and tangible support you need if you dare to ask for it. What you have to offer is infinite in its depth and commitment.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation
All eyes are on you this week. Although to you it may seem like no one is listening. Perhaps you should ask yourself now if you are indeed listening to your own heart. An important relationship may be causing you to question your desires. But cannot deny what you feel now nor escape from it. But the question then is why would you want to? Anything you fear now has more to do with a mental projection of what can go wrong. I would suggest you be open instead to the wisdom of your heart. It has pearls of wisdom for you that can unleash creativity and sexual passion if you can just allow yourself to awaken to its call.
2009 Horoscope MID YEAR SALE| Weekly Horosocopes | Personal Consultation