Sun opposes Vesta | Sun ingresses Pisces

New – 2010 Annual Horoscopes

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We’re now moving through the final hours of the Sun in Aquarius, with the Moon passing through Aries. But just before the Sun changes sign it opposes Vesta retrograde in Leo.

This is like to produce creative and sexual sparks. Vesta [especially in Leo] represents the core sacred creative fire of an individual. This is energy is often channeled through one’s work, in service and healing. But it’s important to keep awareness and not be in denial of the erotic, sexual element of this energy. When it comes to sex it is often the part that holds space for sexual healing.

With the Sun in the last degree of Aquarius there is a need for awareness, acceptance and acknowledgment of one’s own inner erotic desires and creative impulses. With Vesta, recognize there is an element of devotion that goes into keeping a flame alive.

Whether this is your sexual passion or creativity — find what makes you come alive. Own it, accept it and feed the flame, as you create space for it in your life. This also means owning one’s insecurities, pride or any fear of failure or rejection that prevents us from expressing the full extent of our passion. It may even help to beautify your living or work space to bring in fresh energy — and what you want to attract.

On Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010, the Sun ingresses Pisces at 1:35 PM EST; 6:35 PM UT and early Friday, Feb. 19 at 4:35 AM AEST.

As the Sun moves into Pisces it joins Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in the sign, setting us on a magical journey over the next few weeks. The energy is due to get a lot “softer” than it has been lately. Soon the Sun will sextile Pluto and conjunct Jupiter by the time of the Virgo Full Moon at 7+ degrees. There’s smoother sailing ahead…

— Priya Kale, NYC


I am available for Private Astrology Consultations via Phone or by Skype. Please email me to schedule an appointment or for further information. Thank you and I look forward to being your astrologer.

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