Venus enters Aries, Moon reaches First Quarter

We’ve uncovered a lot through the past few weeks with plenty of time to process things. Mercury has stationed direct and conversations should start moving along again. Now On Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009 Venus squares Pluto (in a tight T-Square to the Cancer Moon) and Saturn opposes Uranus. This is likely to be a very intense day and week bringing dramas and melodramas to a head within personal and financial situations.

Today, the Taurus Moon reaches the First Quarter, bringing us to the half way mark to the Full Moon a week from today. We are reaching a turning point within situations that took seed at the time of the New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. As the Moon squares the Sun – we need to come to an inner resolution within between the need to be emotionally comforted and belong [Taurus Moon,] and the the need to assert independence and individuality [as represented by the Aquarius Sun.]

Remain as grounded as you can now and remember what is truly important to you. Reach for you gut instincts when faced with a difficult choice, there is plenty of support around to quell any fears. But we need to remember that the greatest resource are the relationships in our lives. Nurture those that give you the space to be yourself and stick by you through it all.

Also today, Venus enters Aries where she will stay until Jun. 6, 2009 after her retrograde through the sign through the month of March (briefly dipping back into the last degree of Pisces.) Venus is not necessarily most comfortable in this sign. Aries is a Mars ruled masculine sign. This put Venus in the role of a the ‘hunter,’ which is not an easy role for a woman to play in today’s society. An aggressive or take charge woman can be intimidating and society still has plenty of unsaid rules of how women ‘should’ behave.

More on this soon… For now, I’m putting up the audio’s for this week (should be uploaded by the regular time at around 5:30 PM EST. Also will be back with the February Horoscopes a little later today or early tomorrow. In the meanwhile here is what people are saying about the 2009 Horoscopes. You can order yours here.

— Priya

2009 Horoscopes Feedback


Hey Priya!

Wow, you sure having been working hard!  Some absolutely amazing stuff you have written.  I’m in the process of rereading,for probably the 10th time, the yearly horoscopes, but this time really focusing on digesting all that you have written.  It’s one heck of a meal.  It’s amazing how as every day changes, more seems to be revealed in your writings.  They never get “old”!

Anyway, hope you are doing well and surviving the winter.  Hope you are getting some of this Penna. snow up there in New York.  It sure is beautiful.



Dear Priya,

I thank you!!!  I am at work and I’ve snuck a peek at my Aquarius …but what I intend to do is savour them all tonite in the peace and quiet of home.  As I’ve told you before, your writing is simply wowing me and my BF – so beautifully written and so very very apt.  Your gift is our joy …have a wonderful day, you deserve it!
Bravo, Priya! The Gemini 2009 scope was WELL worth the wait!!!!

Many blessings to you and yours,




Thank you Priya

Virgo has come through and it is absolutely spot-on, you could have written it for me personally! Libra is a bit harder to understand but I think I need to digest it more and read it a few times to get the true meanings.  You are amazing!
Keep up your amazing enlightenments,
Best wishes Priya and thank you with all my heart, I once again have hope!


Hi Priya

Yes, got the Leo and Capricorn and am very happy. Great horoscopes,
thank you. I’m particularly grateful because I have Capricorn rising
so got to enjoy my friend’s gift too! You were spot on with both of us
so thanks again.

Best regards


I just wanted to thank you for the 2009 Horoscope. I have work to do, but as a Taurean I feel I have every chance going for me this year…Am I allowed to say that I love you for what you do, how you are and how you have been a catalyst for me to slough off some of my old and inhibiting beliefs and values?
The weekend… It was like an old energy was replaced with new. I feel very vital today and the horoscope has been most timely.
Thank you Priya,
With very much love,

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