2010 Annual Horoscopes | Weekly Horoscopes | June 2010 Monthly Horoscopes |
Personal Astrology Consultations
Dear Friends,
We are past the last quarter of the Moon and an intense Mars-Neptune opposition that brought raging fears and wild fantasies to the forefront. As the fog clears over the weekend, we can begin to have more clarity within situations.
On Saturday, as the Moon passes through Pisces she trines Venus and then opposes Saturn later in the night, at 9:34 PM, before she conjuncts Jupiter in the final degree and minute of Pisces at 29’ 59” at 1:34 AM EDT on Sunday. Shortly thereafter, both the Moon and Jupiter ingress Aries [early Sunday within an hour of each other.]
Also on Sunday, when Neptune trines Juno in Gemini, we can have soulful conversations with partners that bring greater understanding of the road ahead.
Saturday day should be pleasant, but the Moon-Saturn opposition may bring a hurdle to cross, asking us to get real with important situations that must be faced.
Once we are through that, though, expect something of a great big splash of hope and inspiration that moves you to action and fills you with fire to chase your dreams as the Moon and Jupiter change signs to Aries.
If Pisces represents the unseen, magical workings of the cosmos, Aries represents the fire of manifestation, the energy that brings dreams to life.
On Monday, Mars ingresses Virgo and then trines Pluto early next week, solidifying and healing all that currently seems so ambiguous.
— Priya Kale, NYC
The June Monthly Horoscopes have been updated.
I have extended last week’s offer to get a discount on the 2010 Annual Horoscopes through this weekend. As Jupiter enters Aries and the Grand Cross aligns over the coming weeks – now would be a valuable time to get yours if you haven’t already.
Or you can email me to schedule a Personal Astrology Consultation to get an in-depth look at your chart and how this once in a lifetime transit is due to affect you.