Weekly Horoscopes

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Weekly Horoscopes and Gemini New Moon report


Weekly Horoscopes have been updated to the site this week… Here is the sample horoscope for the Gemini this week.

Enjoy your weekend,

With Love,




You’ve been dealing with deep personal doubts, a feeling of groping in the dark and perhaps fear that you are going to be stuck in a situation longer than you like. But you are awakening now to a profound truth that may come as a solid hunch suggesting the ground beneath your feet is laden with more potential than you first realized. This is true. But you may need to resolve the importance of one partnership or financial situation that has its hold over you. There is a painful past you need to let go of but recognize that can only come when you confront it. It may take a while to all come together but something deep within your soul is coming to life — be patient as you nurture this dream. If you can trust your own instincts regarding the worth of something, it is more than likely to open up a chest of treasures rather than Pandora’s box, revealing to you the gold mine you are standing in.

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