A domestic situation and your relationships have demanded your attention lately. Now, life is inviting you to slow down, have more fun, indulge yourself, and savor life’s delicious moments. Early in the month as the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse aligns — your friendships are evolving powerfully, as are your dreams for your life. You can have what you wish for and want, but this also means letting of the dreams you’ve outgrown. You needn’t cling to anyone or anything. Those who love you will stand by you through your triumphs and failures. Mid-month, as Mercury stations direct, Jupiter enters Taurus, followed by the New Moon, stay in the present and dig deep for what makes you happy. You’re leaving the past behind, and something might feel like a huge risk. But as long as you are being true to yourself, you needn’t fear repeating patterns. You are creating your life in each moment. And this is just the beginning of a prolific year of love, laughter, creating, and enjoying life’s ephemeral pleasures in moments — daily. Towards the end of the month, as Mars enters Leo and the Sun ingresses Gemini, life picks up pace. Prioritize your health and focus on what brings your life meaning. Then dare to live your truth daily.


You’re focused on home, family, and your inner world in April. But the Libra Full Moon is bringing a professional situation to light, marking the end of a cycle. Reflect on your goals, ambitions, and responsibilities, and confront the past honestly. What was your childhood like? What does security mean to you? What were your family dynamics? What drives you to do what you do in the world? This is not just about success, but your ability to express yourself wholly. Consciously let go of responsibilities and ambitions you’ve outgrown, so you can focus your energy where it’s most needed. It’s a great time to spring clean — physical clutter as well as insecurities and emotional baggage. As the Aries Solar Eclipse aligns, you’re beginning a new 18-month cycle allowing you to feel more at home in this world. As scary as it feels, you have a safety net. trust yourself as you take that first baby step into a new world. You may be having a change of heart about something/someone you once felt sure about. Dig deeper and ask yourself, what makes me happy? You are creating your reality and future in every moment with your choices. And the future is here now. Choose from the heart. Events this month are setting in motion an 18-month phase of transformation. For a more personal in-depth look at your chart email me at to schedule a Consultation. I look forward to working with you!

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